Non Political Content. Super!
Labels: arts theory, ballet
One man's attempt to resist the social pathology of anti-intellectualism, the vapid mindset of the "Cult of Personality," and the scourge of baseless, irrational thought. Failure is highly probable.
Labels: arts theory, ballet
Labels: gop racists, GOP Wannabes, Mitt Romney, Mrs. Palin, Newt
Labels: lying assed weasels, lying scumbag GOP hypocrites, palin nastiness
Labels: cult of white right wing victim hood, Newt, rednecks
Labels: 911 + 10
Labels: evil. wing nut bullshit, Just Plain Stupid, stupid shit
Labels: bullshit, lying scumbag GOP
Labels: evil. wing nut bullshit, Newt
Labels: ann althouse, bullshit, free speech bullshit, lying scumbag GOP
Labels: cult of white right wing victim hood, evil. wing nut bullshit
Labels: anti elitism, gop racists, lying scumbag GOP, Newt
"Because when the race card is played against one of our candidates, it is played against all of us."I mean really? No one from stormfront or the Ron Paul Redneck Neo-Confederate Faction jacked your account? You really stand by this shit? For Fuck's Sake. Give it Up You Racist-Enabler.
Labels: gop racists, lying assed weasels
"In their investigation, the conservative videographers entered polling places, gave the name of recently deceased New Hampshire residents, and were offered ballots by poll workers. In one case, the videographer fled the scene after a poll worker became aware that he was not the deceased voter.
While the videographers were largely careful not to directly assert that they were the deceased voters whose names they were stating, Think Progress noted that in at least one instance, when a poll worker asked a O'Keefe confederate for his name, he gave the name of deceased person.
In addition to potentially putting his accomplices in legal jeapardy, O'Keefe's video largely shows the logical incoherence of the right's voter fraud paranoia and the difficulty of pulling off a large-scale fraud conspiracy.
This morning, the New Hampshire Union-Leader reportedthat officials in the towns where the video was shot are calling for the prosecution of the videographers:"
"Election law expert Rick Hasen, who writes the Election Law Blog, joked in an email to TPM that O'Keefe's team should "next show how easy it is to rob a bank with a plastic gun."
Labels: James O'Keefe, lying scumbag GOP hypocrites, morons
Labels: gop racists, rednecks
Labels: lying scumbag GOP hypocrites, tea bagging terrorists
Labels: lying scumbag GOP, rednecks
"Mental projection is a motherfucker."
Labels: GOP Wannabes
Don't judge me based on the results of my desires and works! Only judge me based on my claim of being race neutral in my ideology!
It should not matter one bit that the South Carolina voter id law would no doubt actually, disproportionately impact "black" voters. That's not what we were specifically wanting in our hearts. We only wanted to suppress Democratic votes. So therefore we are not racists.
Labels: right wing racism
Labels: Just Plain Stupid, stupid shit