Just Say No To Racist Enablers. Or Cuss The Fuckers Out.
"Because when the race card is played against one of our candidates, it is played against all of us."I mean really? No one from stormfront or the Ron Paul Redneck Neo-Confederate Faction jacked your account? You really stand by this shit? For Fuck's Sake. Give it Up You Racist-Enabler.
Granted. I love to cuss. And racism, and those who condone, excuse, or defend such are high up on my shit list. I feel no guilt in cussing out a mother fucker who is defending plain on it's face racism.
Now really. The ad is not attacking Romney for the racist organization his grandfathers were in. Not even the racist organization his daddy was in. Nor is it attacking Romney for the racist organization he was involved in as a child (potentially against his free will.) What Romney is being attacked there for is being an adult in a racist institution. He is being accused and rightly so, of going to a college that practiced racial segregation.
Again. Any fucking idiot who does not get the fucking facts here. Romney went to a college that practiced racial segregation, racial discrimination against people on account of their races.
That is not trumped up. That is a fact. And there is a presumption his conduct in the past gives rise to. And that presumption is that he was perfectly ok with the Mormon Church's racist practices and positions, before they changed them. Does this mean he is a blatant racist? More likely a negligent one. At least that is the rational inference for someone who attends a racially discriminatory college run by a racially discriminatory institution.
Now does that end the story? Oddly but true, compared to some of those other fuckers still in the race, Romney comes across as one of the least rednecky racist. But I can not really know what he feels deep down inside. I doubt he would be with me on the barricades, merely on account of being GOP. But he does come across as negligently racist, at least, even if not badly, blatantly racist. And for the record I consider negligently racist as not really anti black/brown, but still really doesn't give a fuck about whether or not black/brown/other non white people are actually being treated fairly in America. Compare that to Pat Buchanan who is so scared that the whites are losing control of America that he fucking wrote a book whining about the inevitable fact.
So let's get back to the professor. Now it is one thing if he wants to give a pass to the institution of the Mormon Church, for being more then 10 years behind the Federal Government on racial equality. If that is what the fuck faced ferret actually believes, I am not going to change his racist enabling twisted mind. But to call the ad trumped up requires one to be a liar of such factually denying a level as to be nothing better than a lying assed fuck face weasel. In addition to being a racist enabler.
I got it out of my system. And I feel better for it.
Labels: gop racists, lying assed weasels
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