Thursday, December 29, 2011

Let's Pick on Tebow Some More!

It's almost the end of the year and I have only a little time to come up with any more new coinages, bon mots, good slams, this year. Here's one that came to me while reading the attached article.

The best (facetious) was of describing Tim Tebow's public displays of faith would be:

Now we all understand that the word porn was originally intended to describe graphic depictions of sex. But over the years, it has been used as a modifier for other excessively graphic images and imagery: gun porn, food porn, guitar porn. Ect. And when my mind got to thinking about it, yep. Even if Tebow's job on paper is athlete, he is also in the business of TV. So what he does on TV can count as graphic, if he does it in a graphic way. That's my case, and I standing by it!

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