Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Fast Forward to New Year's. Please!

Even if I finally got my de minimus Xmas decorations up, and my first Xmas cards in the mail, I still am way the hell not feeling the season, this year.  I just want to speed it up to New Year's  so can say I survived another shit year.  Well it was not all shit.   I had a lot of good times.  Kept close with old friends, made some new ones, and did not fucking die.  So  what if I did not get the bank account up to fat and happy levels?  Well, that is my main complaint actually.  All other irritants in my life would be totally insignificant, provided I had enough money to keep that shit out of sight and out of mind.

And that reminds me.  Yes  children.  The rich are different.  They don't have to really deal with shit or people they rather not.  Money is good for that.  Unless one chooses to slum, or other wise consents to having to breathe the same air and share the same places as the plebes and proles.

And I went on a tangent there.  And what I really intended to do was post this pic.   After cleaning up my over the top remarks  about the mockingly anti-creche creche erected in Madison, in the previous post,  this mocking  "motivational" pic in my archives  came to mind.  Now mind me.  I am not anti religion.  I am anti alleged christians (and similarly disturbed people of other faiths,) whining about how the few of us here in America who really do not respect religion, refuse to actually really respect the shit they happen  to believe in.  How dare we!  I'll tell you how.  Religion is supposed to be a matter of personal conscience, in a free society.  That means no matter how much your faith tells you to spread the good word, and all that evangelising shit, you do not have a right to have a public,  government financed pulpit for your religion.  As soon as the assholes  get that straight, the more civil a society we will have.  Ok.  I went long there.  Something about this  year really has me  all full of piss and vinegar.  I tell ya!

Personally, I don't really give a shit whether or not they have a traditional creche set up at my town hall.  But when some one objects, saying the display is outside the fair rules set by law under the US  Const.?  I will of course accept the right of others  to fight it.  In Court.  But fight it fair. Fight it honestly.  And don't fucking whine about an attack on christians or christianity.  Truth be told, none of that shit should be on government property.  That what your own homes and houses  of worship are for.  Let your freak flag fly.  Have at it, and enjoy yourself  giddy.  He haw!  But not on public, taxpayer owned or operated lands and sites, when you get called on it.  People have been getting over with that shit for years.  That doesn't mean  it is right, or legal.  It just means that the majority bias has been winning the fight in that place, for too damn long, and it is finally being challenged. 

I will be paraphrasing from a US Circuit Court opinion, but first the set up.  The ruling was against some christianist bigot who sued Augusta State University, after it expelled her from its school-counseling program. She was one of those whack a doodles who thinks you can counsel the gay out of people.  That ran not only against the curriculum, but the ethical standards of the field.     

What she argued, in court, was that the school:
"Had violated   her rights to free speech and the free exercise of her Christian faith when it told her that, in order to stay in the program, she would have to change her beliefs about homosexuality—that it is immoral, unnatural, and a “lifestyle choice” that can be reversed through “conversion therapy.”"
She rightly got her ass handed to her, at the trial court.  And the Circuit Court agreed saying she was,"Looking for preferential, not equal, treatment.”

This is EXACTLY what I am talking about.  All over the country for years and years, christianity has enjoyed preferential treatment.  And that sort of treatment  basically pisses all over the First Amendment.  Actually.

I am almost done.  Here's my last point:  this passive-aggressive christianist  bigotry has got to go.  Well I think so, at least.  Obviously it can make me crazy, just thinking about it. 



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