Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Insane Ordinary Republican of the Year.

She Need Intensive Professional Help.

Ok.  Now I know for something of a fact that some Herb Cain fans went all verklempt when the perverted, philandering dog of pathological liar suspended his campaign.  One in particular I know of, is quite mad, quite out of his mind.  He was going to get my "Insane, Most Needs Professional Mental Health Treatment,  Ordinary Republican" Award for 2011.  Then I saw this vid.  Part of me just wants to think this is bullshit.  The other part of me thinks this is real, no so much because of the way the woman acts, cries, but the way the other woman off cam really seems to be sincerely reacting to her.  Never the less.  This year's award is a Tie between the crazy dood I mentioned, and this chick. 

Now I am only a lawyer who worked on a Risperdal case.  So no one should take me seriously if I say this lady might need some, or some med from the same class.  But lady definitely needs some treatment if she busts out in tears upon reading that Granpa Paul is a big old meanie when it comes to siding with Israel.  I mean really.  Crazy and stupid, because the one thing you can say about Granpa Paul is that he's like a broken record.  Been playing the same song, not only for not only years and years, but decades and decades.

(Oh.  The first version of the vid I saw was just the chick.  Version I linked to here has the set up by Cenk Uygur.  And he says one of my favorite lines!  "There's No Crying in Politics!"  Excellent!)

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