Thursday, December 22, 2011

Haven't Done Quickies in a While. Let's Go: Reports of It's Demise Were Premature.

I was looking over on that damn message board I used to waste time at, arguing with GOPers and such nots.  And in a thread started by some asshole I know to be a deep and unrepentant racist, some other sorta racist  guy started in with that, the word racist means nothing  now, shit.

My thought?  Not yet.  You fucking racists haven't achieved total victory on that front, yet.  But I know you are not going to stop trying, and in merely  repeating the meme, you are trying.  Fucking racist.

How's that for a start?

Now on to the hotbed (pun not intended) of white wing nut racism, the U. Texas College Republicans.  I would be lying if I said I was horrified that the replacement for the previous evil president of that club is spewing racist nonsense  (and doubled down on it.)  I expect that sort of shit from those people.  So as far as I concerned, the line fits:  not a new low, but merely  a new medium. 

Ron Paul freaked out when called out on his old racist newsletter.  Now Grandpa Simpson.  Listen up.  It's hard to get reasonable people to take your word you are not a racist, when you let racist people spew racist shit in a newsletter published under your name . . . . .  time and fucking time and more fucking times, again and again.  But go ahead if you must.  Throw a tantrum when called out on the shitty shit that is in your permanent record.  Just like Herb Cain.  See how far whining like a bratty child gets ya?

Oh and speaking of Herb Cain, how's the litigation that will prove you never were the dog you were accused of being, going?  Ya.  I bet he's using the same crack (no pun intended) investigative team used by OJ to find the real killers, and Trump to dig into P. Obama's  birth certificate.  And I will take yet another shot at his supporters.  I mean really?  You fell for that shit?  How fucking stupid are you? 

There's that commercial for an insurance company where the woman finds out her prior plan was such a bad decision. She then wonders about all the other bad decisions she might have made in her life?  Ya. That to my mind sums up the typical Cain supporter.  Never mind the ones who played the race card for him.  I mean really.  There's merely stupid.  And then there is evil stupid.  And anyone who ran around playing the race card for Herb Cain is so evil stupid they really need to reevaluate not only every decision of their lives, they need to consult a competent mental health professional  and find out what exactly is their damage, so they can get the appropriate treatment.  But note. 

Some of those people likely are just sociopaths.  There's no real cure or med for that.  But if it's merely a tumor or some shit like that, we can cut the bad out, and leave the good.  Oh.  And if it's merely schizophrenia or some related organic dysfunction?  The new generation of anti psychotic meds are very powerful and do a much better job than the previous gen. (I know this because I have temp worked  directly and indirectly for NJ Pharma  companies.)

Ok.  I went long there,  but the worst part of the whole  Cain minstrel show was not so much the minstrel on stage, but the racist whites who shamelessly got off on that shit.  Anyway . . .

Getting back to evil white right wing racist politicians  taking shots at the Obama  family, that congress critter talking about Michelle's behind?  What sorta bad Meth were you smoking, dood?  Well it's unfair to make it about Hillbilly Crack, when it's likely the other kind of bad drug:  fuck face must listen to too much of that other fuck face, Rush Limbaugh.  He's set the all time historical record for big market pundit who dares go there.

Not that wives looks are totally off limits.  But you out yourself as yourself, if you go there to start, and even worse when it's obviously off the mark.  And the outing is outing one's self as just a hater.

BTW.  Ya wanna  see some actual big asses, go own down to your next local Tea Bagger rally. 

(Shit I am going there myself, but at least not directly at any particular person.  That's the safer way to go.  But still, any number of whiny assed tea baggers  would give me shit for that.  If they could keep up with me.  Those little power scooters they get from their socialist government run medical program that they use to move their fat asses around can't keep up with me and my long legs!)

Ok.  I will stop there.  Please!  Please get me to New Year's!

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