Nor will I link the stupid, idiotic post she posted today. But I read it, in well not disbelief, but rather a sense of the realization that some people have their white blonde heads so far up their asses, they can lick their throats from the inside. And I did not stop there good people. I noticed she has her own tag for "bigotry." I clicked on that, and checked out the other posts so tagged. And even if all of them were not so white blonde head up assy, many were. Particularly the one about Bristol Palin.
But fuckit. I need to get to the point here, and that is as follows. There is something way the fuck, totally fucked up about someone who's idea of pernicious bigotry that must be fought and defeated is anti southern ism, or anti hillbilly ism, or anti snowbilly ism.
Way the fuck, fucked up. Which is why I say white blonde head up assyness.
Labels: ann althouse, cult of white right wing victim hood
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