The Sad, Tragic Truth Behind the Wing Nut Love Affair With (This Week's Newt.)

Ok. I usually reserve my broadsides for the GOP pols and pundits, and other alleged leaders of the legion of doom that is the Right Wing. But every now and then, I take a swipe at the rank and file. Because . . . with out them, the so called leaders would have nothing to lead. In modern warfare, bombing the population that fields and supports the enemy army is fair game. So here goes.
Now ...of all people, it was David Brooks, who recently came up with the brilliant (but not original) answer to the question, why does the rank and file of the GOP/Right Wing have such love for seemingly insane people? (Like Nixon, Bob Dole was more than a little loopy, McCain's not too stable, Palin, Bachmann, Perry, Cain, Santorum, and the one who was focus of Brook's article, Newton Leroy.)
Here is the punchline/answer: "Most (right wingers) just want somebody who can articulate their hatreds, and Gingrich is demagogically happy to play the role."
(Brooks had it as "most people." But sorry Dave, that's the Wing Nut way, not the general way.)
Now ...of all people, it was David Brooks, who recently came up with the brilliant (but not original) answer to the question, why does the rank and file of the GOP/Right Wing have such love for seemingly insane people? (Like Nixon, Bob Dole was more than a little loopy, McCain's not too stable, Palin, Bachmann, Perry, Cain, Santorum, and the one who was focus of Brook's article, Newton Leroy.)
Here is the punchline/answer: "Most (right wingers) just want somebody who can articulate their hatreds, and Gingrich is demagogically happy to play the role."
(Brooks had it as "most people." But sorry Dave, that's the Wing Nut way, not the general way.)
Now I confess that I originally posted this on my FB wall, and now I have a bit more to add. And I am going to pull in at least my current embarrassment of a Governor, Chris Christe, as in exhibit. Oddly enough (go watch some Ann Coulter vids from the past year and see/hear for yourself) Christie gets this weird love from wing nuts, because not only is he a verbal bully, but he looks the part, being all huge and obese and dangerous looking. Granted, the person in the world he endangers most is himself. Talk about a triple coronary waiting to happen. But wing nuts just go for that shit in a way that liberals don't.
And I have to say, yes, not much of a confession. But I do prefer P. Obama giving a little push back to his detractors. But I would not support someone who's usual demeanor was being pugnacious. That's not only a turn off for me, but it's usually the sign of at least some lower level emotional/personality disorder. People like that are not effective leaders or statesmen. Even if they can get their way sometimes by being a bully. That's going for the slim chance of short term gains over the rational and adult way, seeking long term security and prosperity. Fuck that, and anyone who supports that kind of government. Well . . . sometimes I think we need some more actual ass kicking. But I mean literally. That or at least to have the right people retired from the game. Or embarrassed out of it. I do have some cunning and devious plans. But that still is not dependent on supporting being a public bully.
What did Teddy Roosevelt say? Speak softly and carry a big stick. That makes more sense to me than being a fat mouth, bullying douchebag. I can't say no one likes fat mouth, bullying douchebags. As what I am saying here throughout this whole post is that way the fuck too many wing nuts not only like fat mouth, bullying douchebags, but are willing to vote them into office. Fucking idiots. But more's the point, dangerous idiots.
Labels: bullies, cult of white right wing victim hood, evil. wing nut bullshit, Newt, right wing cult of argument by offensiveness
posted by Abstentus at 2:39 PM
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