Thursday, December 01, 2011

How Can I link Ranting Racist English Lady, With Ann Althouse?

By an admitted cheap shot. Or more. Firstly, this is what free and unfettered free speech get you. Unapologetic hate spew. Well and even as repulsive I find the woman, I still cringe at her being arrested for her shocking (not really) vulgar performance. But hey. That's the UK. They take that shit more seriously than we do. Shit. Even than I would.

But I am not in favor of that kind of shit. I will not promote it. Shit. I will not even link it. All I will do is present the title of the vid here. You are free to punch that into a search engine of your own choice, or go directly to youtube for it:

My Tram Experience.

I'm torn about the cheap shot I have loaded up in my head, ready to be typed by my snarky musician's fingers. On the one hand, I see it as objectively a cheap shot. On the other hand, based on the shit I have seen Althouse allow on her blog, I think she might actually post that shit, and hide behind the cowardice of the cult of free speech. Ok. That is not exactly the cheap shot I could have gone with. Instead, it's something of a speculation. One person's idea of a "neutral" post is another's idea of promoting hate, in the failing to condemn it, sense of these things.

More's the point though. If she does find this vid, and post it or the link to it, I am god damned sure it will get at least 10 racist (encouraging/enabling) comments before the tally for all reaches 100. Maybe even as many as 10 in a total of 50. But some of her racist minions will want to marry her. Likely. Well, some of the racists there are fems. None that I know of are lesbians. So maybe the will just wanna be BFFs with her?

And for the record, sorta, the reason I was late to this party myself, was, among other things, I was monitoring hate speech on Althouse's site yesterday. The international hate scene was forgotten, yesterday.

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