Now I call myself a once and perhaps future democratic political hack as I used to be a labor union lawyer, and on account of that, a registered lobbyist. So I totally get being partisan. But gimme a break . . .
I am not even going to link either site, but there is this wing nut blog I rubberneck, called The Anchoress. Blogger is super Catholic. And even if I was raised that way she's so far off the edge it's like reading an alien's description of the world through their alien filters.
Representative titles of posts: "Carmelite Nuns Wreaths On Sale!" "New Book on Bishops!" "Cathecism is Cool!" You get the picture.
But she also writes about politics. And she posted a link to one of her buddy's post elsewhere taking P. Obama to task for . . . wait. As this is so petty it might blow your socks off . . . the way he pardoned the Turkey! En-croy-able!
Re the source blogger? Well at least she got some good push back in the comments section:
"I won’t be voting for Obama either, for important reasons. But this “classless, ungenerous, ungracious ” sniping over every silly thing is what’s really “adolescent” and “pathetic.”
And: "Wait, so this was actually meant to be taken seriously? You should probably step away from the keyboard for a little while and try to regain a sense of perspective."
Oh and for delicious irony the name of her blog is,"Seasons of Grace." Seems she's fairly graceless to me. But hey. It's hard to live up to the example of Christ, and be a minion in the GOP, party of selfishness, hate, and petty meanness. Helps if one is immune to cognitive dissonance, and blind to hypocritical self irony.
Labels: Catholic Church Lady, lying scumbag GOP hypocrites, religion as oppression
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