Friday, December 02, 2011

Friday Quickies

After beating up on silly person Ann Althouse for a couple days (metaphorically speaking,) I will compliment her, for taking sides (something she avoids doing often, and such avoidance to my mind is at least a "cheat.") The issue is some draconian Time Place Manner + costs restrictions on protests at the Wisc. State House. Kudos to her for calling Walker out on what she described as,"Plainly unreasonable."

Even her silly husband gets a gold star. Correction. Half a gold star. I could accuse him of stealing from me when he argues,"Free speech isn't free." I think I had a fight with him here on this very board trying to convince him of that. I guess that shit finally sunk in. I know. I am being too kind. Like any "good" wing nut he reached for any argument that served the moment, no matter ideological consistency. But still I compliment him on finally getting the connection between speech and money. Speech often if not usually has a cost to it. Again, kudos for that. But don't pretend your megalomaniacal, wanna be despot object du man crush - Gov. Walker is NOT taking steps to crack down on criticism of his own punk ass. Well you can try to pretend that. But I won't. I am here to remind you of the fact. Go Here for that shit.

One last remark in this vein. From one of the Minions there:
"The Governor looks better when he stands up to the mob than when he tries to prevent or silence it. That ought to be obvious."
My reply to that (here not there, I don't post there, yecchh.)

Didja miss the part about Walker being a megalomaniacal, wanna be despot?

Moving on. Cain is still circling the drain. He's all but done. But his sociopathic brain is not processing that (obvious to nearly all others) fact. At this point I will say the following. Call me mean, but I want him to drag this out as long as ugly as possible and utterly self destruct in a way that will eclipse even Rod Blagovitch. Go Herbie Go. You can go your own way. On an elevator straight to hell!

Michelle Bachmann? Who? Some folk still think there is a chance for her to get her mojo back in doing well if not winning Iowa. Remains to be seen.

Resurgent Newt. Proves to me that the GOP base is full of a bunch of amoral, hypocritical idiots. And they must be stopped! But realistically if not seriously. Mittens needs to show his A Game now. He's been ice skating so far. And he has shown his ability to be nasty vicious against P. Obama. But using surrogates as attack dogs now is not enough. Mittens, you got to at least spend some of your own money on some ads to damage Newt. Some people use the analogy of a land battle. The proper one is sea battles from the 18th and 19th century. I am not going to get any further here, but you need to drill your gun crews, and know what kind of shot to load for what desired effect, for your passes and exchanges. You likely don't want to go for solid shot at the waterline. Not to start. Not yet. Get my meaning?

Oh. I have rambled long. So I will just repeat the most important thing I have said here:

Proves to me that the GOP base is full of a bunch of amoral, hypocritical idiots. And they must be stopped!

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