Monday, October 03, 2011

Niggerhead Revisited.

(I am sad to say I am not the first blogger to run with that. Things do move quickly on the Internet.)

I am not going to make a blanket statement that each and every motherfucker who in some way, shape or form goes all apologist about the Rick Perry niggerhead thing is necessarily a racist in my book. I will only say that that level of racial tone deafness puts them on my threat board, if they were not already, and if they were not already in the 'Enough of a Racist to be a Racist' category, based on my "Soft Bigotry of Soft Bigotry" standard.

Anyway, the apologists are out in full force already. Reliably racially tone deaf to all things not caucasian, Ann Althouse is all in on excusing or otherwise attempting to provide cover for Rick Perry and kin for the niggerhead ranch thing. She really doesn't get it.

Also, within the wing nut law professor club, that fucking asshole at Instapundit not only is doing the apologia Cake Walk, but took a shot at "Herb" Cain for taking offense, publicly. Cause white people need protecting from black folks anger at white racism, either new 21st century shit, or the legacy of it. (Never mind the irony that lawn jockey Cain is a black on black racist. Otherwise. You know what they say about busted clocks. So the lawn jockey can be right, some occasionally of the time.) And I am not linking Instapundit because the asshole's formatting doesn't seem to allow for that.

And I did see the clip from CNN where the Con pundit Did the minstrel dance called: We Have to Be Very Careful With Calling People Racist. I really hate that shit. Again, I am not going to make a blanket statement but, if one is more concerned with the usage of the word racist, than racist language, one is likely a racist, although likely a watered-down one.

And oh. Discordia. I am going to have to call out Mika Brezinski. But she does earn a pass here, as I will explain. But I usually think her heart is in the right place, but this time? It's Chuck who's on the side of the good and virtue. Or just being a more practical analyst of American Political Reality, at least.

To explain, Chuck seems to get it, and get it very well, when he says the whole issue represents, an extraordinary level of racial insensitivity that is a disqualifying factor. In trying to parse Mika's take, she admits, finally, that the story is a big deal. But before saying that, she went down the highly speculative road where she was wondering out loud if that (clumsy oversight???) is indicative of how Rick Perry really thinks about blacks? In her defense, she to my mind (I watched the critical last chunk of the discussion like four times,) is persuaded by Chuck's argument. The last thing on the matter he says, is to him it's not even a close call. And she basically agrees. Relents. Capitulates.

And that says a lot about her that when faced with the better, more persuasive argument, she will not stonewall, or double down, like a wing nut would. So she gets the pass BECAUSE SHE THOUGHT IT THROUGH, AND THEN GOT IT!

Her fault was not so much apologia but giving the benefit of a doubt. And I have to say there is some thing of a doubt there. But as a practical political matter, I agree with Chuck. In American Politics, this is not even a close call. Now if Perry wasn't an already battle-damaged ship I would more likely than not guess it is not a candidacy killer for him, as far as the GOP Nom. goes. But I have heard already the argument that putting that clown on stage against Obama is not going to go well for the GOP or him.

But I have to admit, that I will not say this 'damage' is fatal. The Stepford Wife Bachmann should have been shit-canned for several racially insensitive shitty things she has said since starting her bid. And it ironically was the start of the Perry bid that was the nail in the coffin of her bid. And in a rational world where there was little to no tolerance with political candidates saying racially insulting general statements about racial or ethnic groups, Lawn Jockey Cain would be shit canned by now too, on account of merely saying the blacks are brainwashed shit, that first time. Never mind doubling down on that shit, in flawless wing nut form and fashion. (And for the record, it is on account of his willingness and eagerness to do and say racist shit, like insult blacks as a group in such guiltless fashion, or otherwise enable the white wing nut haters and racists, that I call him a Lawn Jockey.)

Anyway, the statement the Perry campaign put out was a C- at best. So we will see. Perry had enough going against him before this. He clearly did not need the bad press, or another moment to fuck up. Meaning, another chance to prove to all he is so not ready for prime time.

Ok. That's all for now.

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