And the Jeopardy question is, Why do I even bother to look at the post comments on Ann Althouse's Blog?
Turns out that I had the rarity of rarities. There. Today. I read something half way intelligent. Must not have been from a wing nut. I usually only dive in there to read the hateful shit she hosts. Call that reverse confirmation bias. Instead of reading things from like minded people, I read the shit the other side publishes. And that confirms for me, why I think they all fucking suck.
And before I get to the half smart thing, I will talk about the stupid thing. Things. One person's free speech advocacy is another person's hosting of an Internet Hate Group. Some people may not think that people have some responsibility for the comments other's post on a blog. Then again, some people think Crystal Meth is a good time. Some people think the world is only 10,000 years old . . . or less. Point I am making here is there are different opinions. And I judge not only stupid hateful speech harshly. I judge the hosts of that harshly. When they do not disassociate themselves from the hate and the haters.
And that dovetails into the context of the smart thing I saw there. The context was the asshole who booed the gay serviceman who asked one of the pre recorded video questions for last night's GOP Circus, I mean Debate. Althouse went all concern troll about that and pondered about what can be done about that. One of the commenters, and I don't know how seriously meant it, essentially said, lose the audience.
My opinion of that? Brilliant idea. As an ex (and if I should be so lucky, future) show-biz guy I say the (make that just one at least) problem with debates is they have become more show biz than serious politics. So I think it's a great idea. Lose the audience. Candidates can still pander, pimp, and whore to the cameras, and the home audiences. But there is no real need for live bodies in the room. They are totally unnecessary. And they are an additional and uncontrollable element. What purpose/need does an audience serve? None that can't be lived without. So if the problem is unruly, free agent audience members? Lose it. Sometimes life really is that simple.
Labels: ann althouse, concern trolls, haters
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