Saturday, September 17, 2011

Let's Start Here Today.

As posted on a FB article posted by a friend, which specifically regarded the sinister GOP plan to delay all new regs for a year.

"I am way past being sick and tired of these trolls. I just wish P. Obama would get his game on, and do some serious push back, instead of this seeming political version of Einstein's Definition of Insanity. And that version says it's insane to to repeatedly try to cooperate in governance with people who are fundamentally sworn to, and actively are trying to destroy the government."

Here comes the new part just for here, the blog.

Couple two three years ago, when I still wasted time on some message board, arguing politics with those people, I got to a point of militant resistance and opposition that was near total contempt for people advocating any of that shit. I have been militantly opposed to the shit, the ideology, and the dogma, for ever. But I used to try to get along with them and try to treat them as misguided folk, even if I got it, that at it's core, post Reagan Conservative is militantly anti government. It's like the P.J. O'Rourke joke. Republicans run for office on the idea government doesn't work, get elected, and prove it."

Except it's worse. Too many republicans have been running for office on the idea that government is bad and must be shrunk, tamed, killed. What ever. Point is, out of two major political parties in the USA, one of them hates government, more specifically the Federal government. And that is a level of insanity that we as a nation can no longer afford to entertain. It's time to outlaw them. I know that is not a practical solution. I'm a lawyer, I know better. But as far as I am concerned, we need to do everything possible to push back on these bastards, get them on the run, and more to the point, get them out of government.

I honestly believe that the GOP/Conservative movement is doomed to self destruct. But the short of my more recent analysis is, we might not have the luxury of waiting for time work itself out. One more GOP presidency can kill this nation. I feel it in my bones. And we can't afford to let the happen. The damage GW Bush did is extreme. And he only really added to the shit that Reagan started. But if we have only one more shit-headed, anti-government Republican in the White House, that might be it. Game over. It might be basically impossible to fix, if that happens.

Yes. I am afraid. I am very afraid.

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