Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday Quickies. Happy Mass Murderer Day.

Columbus really was a shit human being. But I did not want to go over the top on my FB page as I have lots of Italian American friends. And I have some Italian ancestry back there too but unlike my friends, I think of Columbus as a shit human being.

I wish they could swap the focus of their ethnic pride day to someone better suited to respect, like St. Francis of Assisi. That would be swell.

Moving on, that lawn jockey Cain has been at it again. I watched live, his minstrel show act on CBS's Face the Nation. Oddly (or not) he was on at the same time with Newt. It was like watching an American Political rewrite of the famous Twit Olympics sketch from Monty Python. Or call it dueling stupids. But it's not so much what happened there, but what happened on CNN that has people howling about insane Cain. Mother fucker actually said racism doesn't hold black folk back much anymore in America.

Herman. Do you really like the taste of white tea baggger ass that much, or do you have self esteem problems? They call a masochist who doesn't know their limits and will take excessive "punishment" a pain slut. What do you call someone who likes eating shit too much? A shit slut? You get my point. There is something seriously fucked up about that lawn jockey. I mean he needs to be put under psych eval before a commitment hearing, wrong.

Speaking of racist rednecks, Hank Williams Jr is finishing up a song where he slams both ESPN and Fox News for mis treating him by putting his trash talking redneck ass on the TV, in the one case, and kicking him off, in the other case. I think he's going to go on the Hannity Show on Fox to bitch and moan about Fox. How fucked up is that?

I'll stop here for now. It's only Monday, about 10 am and I am quite disgusted already.

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