Saturday, October 08, 2011

Saturday Quickies. To Start . . .

Bill Maher, on Perry's Niggerhead Rock problem. And related matters:

“Overtly racist bullshit thinly painted over. Honestly, could anyone have written a better metaphor for the modern Republican party?” Go Here.

As mentioned all over the reality based web, it seems the right wingers are alternatively mocking the "Occupy Wall Street" movement as either a bunch of lazy kids who need to stop smoking pot and get a job, or they are the next coming of the Sans Culottes. Make up your fucking minds, or at least get a tighter grouping of analogies, ya twits.

Does that mean that Eric Cantor can be appropriately labeled as America's Qaddafi? Or would America's Baghdad Bob work better?

Moving on, kudos to Ann Althouse. I still think she sees the world through monochromatic filters (sociologically and culturally speaking,) but she was very respectful about Derrick Bell's passing. She even put up a notice to the racist shit baggers in her comments section to behave. But I have to say, she did not do a good enough job of deleting the hate speech her racist minions threw up. And no it was not blatant racist insults being thrown up. But short of that, yup. It was racist. I repost the Bill Maher quote: “Overtly racist bullshit thinly painted over. Honestly, could anyone have written a better metaphor for the modern Republican party?"

{FYI. I am going to love that quote and quote it to death, I recon.}

Moving on, apparently that silly assed theatre professor posting the violence glamorizing threatening workplace signs got a symbolic victory. The Uni reversed the original decision, but to their credit are reviewing the policy. And even if postulants in the Church of Free Speech are declaring some spiritual victory, I sneer in their general direction and say, I know how the next act of this play will go.

The Uni will now have to get more specific about what constitutes impermissible violent speech, and differentiate between appropriate teaching context and impermissible non teaching context. And they must try to write up a shopping list of dos and don'ts, or otherwise some sort of allegedly clearer but more specific guidelines. Or some combination of the two. Maybe they will form a committee (or vest some existing committee) to serve as watchdogs over the application and enforcement of the newly clarified rules and regulations. So you stupid right wing fuckers. Your victory is merely Pyrrhic. You saved one asshole's violent imagery whoring posters. But you created another sub if not full layer of Uni Bureaucracy. Talk about one step forward, two steps back.

That's what you get when you blindly pursue ideology over the practical realities of . . . reality. If I had to bet, I would bet that in in the near future, that professor will be viewed quite dis favorably, in the Uni community, once the new system gets in place. People will complain and say it was all that fucker's fault. He should have shut the fuck up and not complained about that first poster getting pulled down the first time. Cause what we are dealing with now is so much fucking worse.

Ok. I have had enough of this shit. For now.

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