Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday Quickies (not because it's Monday, mind you. This is all I am up for. But I might get cranked. Stay tuned, and see for yourself.)

Story of the week/month/year. Well, disaster story of the moment and near future, at least. Japan. Natural disasters suck. Ironically, the nation in the world that should be most mindful of the harmful effects of radiation (other than Russia, to be accurate) now has at least one nuke reactor in meltdown, and who knows how bad it will get?

All humans are not fucking stupid, but humans can be so fucking stupid, sometimes. Criminally so!

Moving on? More about partisan political hacks masquerading as journalists. Fuck them. Andrew Breitbart got column space over at Huffpo, over the past few days. What he wrote was at best polemic, and at the most objective level? Political hack hate speech, lies and bullshit. And since I am in that sewer again dealing with that shit as topic, wtf with the rehabilitation of O'Keefe? An objective neutral description of him should read as either "convict," or "convict still on probation." (But hey. We live in the day and age where Snooki gets the cover of Rolling Stone. Seriously, civilization itself must be on the brink of collapse!)

Don't legitimize that punk ass, and the punk ass shit he has pulled. And that means do not call it a sting. It was a scam and a hack job. Remember what Nixon's hatchet men called what they did: ratfucking. It's not journalism. It's not running a sting. It's the politics of the gutter and gutter dwellers. Use the right fucking words, dammit.

And now we get to the twin sisters of different mothers: Bachmann and Palin. First Bachmann.

As someone who went to (law) school in the great state of New Hampshire, I know a little bit about Granite Staters. They not only hate Massachusetts, but they hate it with a passion no one else can understand. They have a particular nickname for people from Mass. They call them Massholes. Swear! So kudos to Mrs. Bachmann for committing a faux pas on the order of magnitude of calling a room full of Irish Catholics "English." Good luck with the NH primary if you choose to run, honey!

And now, on to Mrs. Palin. Her bad news of the week is rumor (more conjecture really) that she is on Roger Ailes (AKA Satan's big fat Helper on Earth) shit list. Reason for that? He (among every one else she pretends to listen to, with some professional experience in politics and related shit) advised her not to do that stupid assed "blood libel" tape message. That message was in response to the implication that Mrs. Palin's style of evil, violent rhetoric (morally, mind you) was a possible contributory factor in the AZ massacre. Mika Brzezinski went so far on "Morning Joe" today to guess that Palin might get fired (or her contract not renewed) from FNC.

Not that I should wish harm on people, but shit. Now loosing that easy money will really make that sow crazy. (Remember kids. A female bear is a Sow. Not a Mamma Grizzly.) I guess. And even if I have been avoiding Charlie Sheen references, I think a full Melt Down from Mrs. Palin will make Charlie's look like a 10 second tantrum from a mute baby, by comparison. I am not wishing her a break down, but if mental break downs are what passes for must see TV these days? Well that footage will be sizzling hot! Question is will the good shit happen on cam, or will all that makes the airwaves is the recounting of the event, after the fact? She does have that studio. I have to wonder what the contract says about the fixtures and equipment following breach, termination, or non renewal of the agreement? Can you say stand off?

But I am not really predicting anything here. Just speculating.

Oh. One last quickie. I am calling it first contender for dumb assed white republican racist remark of the week. It's from that pixie cute evil twit, Dana Perino. Now for the set up, P. Obama cracked the following, on Crybaby of the House, Boehner, during the Gridiron dinner:

“I’ve made a few jokes over the years about John’s unusual coloring. I used to think that it was a tan. But after seeing how often he tears up, I’ve come to realize: that’s not a tan, that’s rust.”

And I don't know if she just has no sense of humor, or perspective, or only the most tenuous grasp on reality, but Perino behaved as if she took offense. Or she merely and deliberately took a partisan shot (swing anda miss. By my count.)

"They keep going back to the same well and making fun of John Boehner’s skin color? Really? This White House of all White Houses?"

Gimme a Break!

Now it is not a classic racist race bait, but here is how I break this one down. Firstly, Boehner himself has made jokes about his odd skin color, even so far as to make a joke about conversations between him and P. Obama on the subject of being "people of color," so Perino is wasting her time taking umbrage here. Unless . . .

her real aim was not so much to make a reality based remark, but was a bullshit attempt to paint P. Obama as a reverse racist. I actually think that is what this really was about. And it was done in a passive aggressive, sneaky, right wing, evil bitch way (and I know that shit way too expertly. Been there, had that done to me, and finally learned my lessons.) But lady . . .

black and white identity politics are not primarily about skin color so much as about status. For hundreds of years on this continent, it was not merely a matter of social status, but it was legal status. And that really did not stop being law, until 1964. And society is still playing catch up to the law more than 40 years later. And it is particularly the GOP that is lagging behind.

But hey. If you take away the Battle Cry of The Whine of the Cult of White (or now it's Orange) Victim hood from the GOP, they won't know what to do with themselves. Fucking freaks.

Like I keep saying kids. We need push back on this shit. Those fucking freaks are in the driver's seat too often, steering the national conversation ever towards the delusional alternative reality they live in. We can't let that happen. Ya know?

PS. Unverified, but I read some remark somewhere that the weird coloring of Boehner runs in his family. So if you want to paint P. Obama as insensitive, don't make it about color. Make it about handicaps. Get the facts right, ya freaks! (Then again, they do not deal in facts where scoring an ideological or partisan point is at issue. Let me stop there. I feel another diatribe building and I should stifle it. Deflect, deflect!)

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