Monday, March 21, 2011

I Need to Remember Never to Go Back to That Page Again.

First shot of the day. And I am running behind schedule, so there.

Anyway, I do confess to "slumming," on the Internet, that is. I actually live in a sorta run down urban area, but it's less of a slum than a barrio. But I digress.

When I say slum, that means I will explore, I will get lost, I will deliberately start checking out links to wing nut blogs, and such. And usually it's the same Fox News/Limbaughish bullshit. Actually, I have noticed (and I have read this as a criticism of the movement) that the wing nut blogisphere is much too much in lock step. And even more so than the rest of the net, likely to post the same exact shit, page after page, even if there really is no credible source, originally, for the alleged "report."

But that is not why I am writing, today. I am writing about the true ugliness that some of these wing nuts put up on their sites. There is the (call this a coinage) right wing cult of argument by offensiveness, that every now and then leads to some pretty sick shit. I mean, and yes I lack the credentials to be a diagnostician, but I mean, for example, I really would love to know a psychiatrist's evaluation of the diseased mind who runs this blog I visited today. I am betting on some deep, far reaching differential diagnosis. Ironically, maybe, it is a blog run by a black conservative. And I have to tell you, I have slummed far and wide on the Internet. I think I would have to go to some white supremacists' web site to find something equally offensive, and over the top with Obama hating, as that psycho shit littered site. That is, if I were trying to find something equally offensive or worse, in less than five minutes.

The deranged mind in question is one of Althouse's drones. That's not ironic. That's par for the course, actually. Seems to me at least.

I feel sorta filthy, after that experience. Let me go see what's shaking over at "Lawyers, Guns."

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