I'm Frustrated. And Ann Althouse Done Made it to the Promised Land! Lawdy, Lawdy!
I'm frustrated that some video I had uploaded to my youtube page, my craptastic instruction vid on the chords in EWF's Can't Let Go, is still processing more than an hour later.
And the Ann Althouse thing is just lingering petty shit I saw earlier today, and well I am typing out my frustration here.
Now Perfesser Althouse has made the cross over to talking head for FNC. Yippie for her. The idiotic non story that is serving as her crossover moment (I can't swear this is her first appearance. Work with me here, peeps,) is some dumb assed vid she (or was it her husband Meade?) took of children chanting protest chants in the Wisc. State House. Horror of horrors. Calamity of calamities.
Now GOPers and tea baggers never take their kids to demonstrations, right? Fucking wrong. Anyone who makes that argument, either directly or indirectly is a liar worthy of being sent to spend eternity in that 8th level of hell as described by Dante; the Malebolge. Otherwise known as the Evil Ditches. That's where the liars and oath breakers go (according to Dante.)
Just figures Perfesser Althouse's vid of this non event was showcased on Megyn Kelly's shitty allegedly "real news," show.
Did I say Shitty?
Ok enough with the blonde bad right wing leaning lawyers I don't usually (but every now and then, they surprise me and I got to say they got it right) agree with. But if I am wrong and Dante is right (about the afterlife, that is,) both counselors are going to hell, to the Malebolge. And they are going to hell not as most lawyers do, as middle management, but as "clients."
As it should be!
In any event, let's end on a more positive note. Kudos to her. Maybe she might make paid pundit status over at FNC. They do have a couple openings there. And I hope she gets on payroll. Makes her look sleazy ho-ish the way she asks for donations on her blog and sells really silly assed shitty merchandise off her page. Can you say Ferengi?
(PS. Althouse has the vid of her FNC appearance up on her site. I will not link that shit myself. Not sorry. But google 'Althouse' and you will be there in two clicks, or a few seconds. Swear.)
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