It's Odd When a Wing Nut Makes Sense . . .
"Our desire to hit the left back in kind is making us lose sight of the need to control the narrative. In using this tactic, conservatives make the discussion about racism while conceding that there is a lot of it. The question of just how prevalent racism is in America is key to the differences between liberals and conservatives on the matter of race. By claiming that it is rampant, we concede an important point for the momentary satisfaction of a gotcha soundbite."
I find two interesting confessions there. Firstly the one about desire to hit back in kind. Yup. That is a pathology. And even if that is not the first time I have seen that confessed. Shit. Limbaugh all but confessed the same shit last week in the middle of one of his racist rants regarding the Cain scandal. But it is interesting to me that wing nuts are admitting that really sick pathology.
Oh. and the other confession is the one about it being important to conservatives to oppose the idea that racism is rampant in this country. That's even more pathological. Note that the writer did not qualify that to the limited idea that racism is rampant in some sub part, like the GOP. Nope. He goes for the maximum application there. Wow. Just wow. Which just makes the whole post pathological.
Shorter version of the whole argument:
Don't act like racism is rampant, as we are married to the idea it isn't.
Labels: gop racists
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