The Sinister Cynicism of Republicans on Race.
Yes, I am talking about all the insane shit spewing from white republicans about how Mr. Insane in the Membrane Cain is getting "lynched" on account of some unflattering history of his coming to light. No bitches. That's not a lynching. That's vetting a candidate. The media goes looking for dirt, and if they find it, they publish it. This is the way American politics have been done for as long as there has been American Politics!
But they (wing nuts) got them selves a negro now. And true to form as I have accused these shit wads, for years and years, they are now doing the exact crime they accuse the Dems of doing: cynically playing the race card. Not that this is the first time they have done it, and done it with the most transparently false of grounds. But they really seem to be doing it, in a concerted fashion, and they (pundits) are using the same script. Disgusting!
I think that when it comes to race and the race card, the wing nuts have this weird sense of being deprived of some thing that they have been denied, and are so eager to have at it that they will invent a reason to play the race card. This is clearly one of those circumstances. It's sinister, and it is sick. But we are talking wing nuts. Conservatives. Republicans. No matter what label it is, we are talking about some sick puppies.
And speaking of sick puppies? The other day Rush Limbaugh all but admitted he was throwing the race card just for the sick thrill of it. Ya. But there is one thing that racist fucker doesn't get. If one is not a racist one usually does not smart from being called a racist. Usually it's the racists who get all bent out of shape when the charge is hurled. So on behalf of the forces of the left libs in the world, here is the reply to his charge.
You must be joking with that shit. Oh. And people have been calling you a racist for decades because you obviously are a racist. And ya fat ugly racist piece of garbage. The real idea behind being a racist is how one feels about the group, not one individual or just a few in the the group. So you can be deeply passionately in love with Mr. Insane in the Membrane Cain, and still be a racist. Yes. It does work that way.
Labels: cult of white right wing victim hood, gop racists, whiny GOP
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