Friday, November 04, 2011

Can I Be Sick of the Story, and Intrigued at the Same Time?

Ya. Cain. Can't get enough of it and I am sick of it. I have heard the hook up story. Funny how that's not getting much press. Even funnier, the threat by the campaign mgr about suing Politico. Ya. Stole that one right from Cyborg Sarah's play book. I know that as a general matter there are wing nut lawyers out there with no ethics at all. But filing that civil complaint would really put someone on the bottom of the lawyer's shit list, even if restricted to wing nutters.

But I think the main reason I am getting sick of the story is this is not so much looking like a Shakespearean tragedy as much as like a monster/slasher movie. The fucking zombie won't stay dead, damnit. And I want the huge ugly ending to the Cain Insane Train NOW damnit! Before the big Hollywood Holiday flix come out.

Entertain me, damnit! Show me a good show! I got tix to the opera in a couple weeks.

Gimme something disastrous and rubber-necky before I see Le Boheme.

I'll stop there. For now, at least.



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