But There Are Still Hours to Go. So Let's Call This Tentative Wing Nut Moron of the Day.

Poor, sad, little dim witted clown. Those people (some of them, at least I would recon) likely were employees of that station. The IBEW has jurisdiction over some of the technicians, and in some shops, the cameramen. So no, Frodo. You did not see evidence of some vast, unionist, left wing conspiracy. What you saw, instead, was evidence of the craft guild's member's commitment to their place of employment. Ya moron.
Just in the interest of substantial disclosure, although I never was a member of the IBEW, I was a member of IATSE. Ironically (well to peeps outside of the industry, and the guilds, seemingly,) one of the things I did back when an IATSE journeyman, was lighting. If I was assigned for a certain gig specifically to do lights, I was working for the Electrical Department, reported to the Master Electrician, and was for that gig, an electrician. In a live performance theatre, you usually don't have IBEW members present. Anything dealing with the power tie from the main junction box out to the furthest hung lamp was under IATSE jurisdiction. In a TV studio, things get more complicated. And when you get on a major film set, you get all those funky job titles like, grip, gaffer, best boy. Ok. Last bit on this digression. On a deck we might refer to grips and gaffers, but they are not the proper job titles/descriptions. Ok. Enough reminiscing about the good old days of my former career in show biz.
The message in the song is easily missed. Then again, compare it to some 1990's hip hop and it's sorta almost quaint. Oh. and while I am on the topic. There was a great segment on 60 Minutes, Last night, about the 'controversy' over use of the word nigger in Huck Finn.
Personally, I stopped reading, The Sun Also Rises, as I thought Hemingway's use of the world said a whole lot more about him, than the narrator. But the sanitized Huck Finn? Sorry. I can't agree with sanitizing that book. It's not gratuitous. It's historically and culturally accurate.
Anyway, I'll gladly link the Report.
Labels: antiunionism, batshit crazy, Juan Williams, unions
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