Monday, September 15, 2008

I am going to criticize my team.

Not overly harshly and not as harshly as I do the other side as the other side is the ENEMY, right? But I got a couple gripes here.

Firstly, making too much out of the Karl Rove remark this weekend? Jeeze Louise, it is one thing to stick with the theme of they are setting new records with new sleazy lows, points, but don't make too much of someone's criticism of the other team if that person is wailing on your ass, too.

And here is the other point; and this is sorta for today at least inspired by some remarks I read over on Huffpo. The commentator's general point was that Team Obama need to spend less time running against Bush and more time running against McCain Palin.

That sorta triggered some memories for me, like when I said here, we have to destroy their mythology and communicate our message better.

Oh, and I will say I like the fact that Team Obama is pushing back but there is another criticism coming here, and it is again linked to things I have posted here already. Damnit, stop just being responsive. I repeat. Republicans are 'Home,' they are 'In They Own House,' when it comes to Gutter Politics. You can't let them play their own game, and only respond to the shit when they throw it at you. Now we do not have to resort to monkey see monkey do, as if we go that route we end up looking like thugish, bullying, shit-throwing monkeys too, just like the Republicans always look like (again, that is their comfort zone.) But still, if only for the purely tactical reason, we must be playing offense. Don't tell lies; leave that to the Republicans. Don't cheap shot either. But hit them hard for being the lying, shit-throwing monkeys, and I mean hit them on the lies their whole campaign, their mythology is based.

Do not just call them liars for their lying attack ads. Their whole campaign, on balance, is mostly based at best on half lies and partially diluted bullshit. And the other half is basically full lies and the purest form of bullshit. Hit them on that. Hit them above the belt, where it is a fair shot, but hit them hard and hit them good. Remember that bullys are cowards. They really can't take a punch, no matter how mush noise they make.


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