She looks better without those glasses. And without the dorky hair style. But I told ya'll the frumpy stuff is an act!!!
I originally read the 'confession' on Huffpo, quoting an article elsewhere on the web, and I forgot the name of the original source.
DUH! It was the story/interview that Sarah Plain and Dull did for Vogue last year.
Re my assertion she frumps it it up deliberately, her confession, as follows:
"Developing a thick skin when it comes to comments about her looks has been part of the learning process. "I've been taken aback by the nasty criticism about my appearance," she says. "I wish they'd stick with the issues instead of discussing my black go-go boots. A reporter once asked me about it during the campaign, and I assured him I was trying to be as frumpy as I could by wearing my hair on top of my head and these schoolmarm glasses, but he said, 'No, that's not what I mean.'"
Anyway, I still hope to find some audio file of her with out the (I call it) bogus Fargo accent. I still think that is every bit as much a put-on as the circa 1960 anti-fashion clothes she admits she picks to maximize the frump.
And speaking about put-ons? Didn't I tell you peeps? I was predicting this since I posted about the McCainiacs disgusting 'playing the race card, card,' slimebowl-arama, but the 'pig in a poke' about the 'lipstick on a pig,' remark?
I TOLD YA ALL THIS WAS COMING! Trust Uncle Abs. Uncle Abs knows!
Just like that old joke by P.J. O'Rouke about how Republicans run for office saying that government doesn't work, get elected, and PROVE IT. Republicans specifically hate the Federal Government, and they want to kill it. Grover Norquist might be one of the few honest Loopy-loopiest of the Right Wing Lunatics, but trust him when he says he want to shrink the Fed. such a small size that it could be drowned in a bathtub. Now that is never going to happen, but the Fed Gvt. can be mismanaged to such an extent that it could very well become cripple, feeble, and mortally wounded. That explains why these Republicans treat every National Election like it is the end of the world.
For them the end of the world, I mean Federal Government, can't come soon enough. So expect them to continue to rack up new slimy 'mediums' and as well, don't be surprised if they can actually hit a new low. Spinning the Senator Obama remark into a sexist attack on Palin was close to a new low. Really close. But (and I got to give props where do) it gladdens my heart that I saw a few rank and file GOPers expressing dismay at that cynical ploy.
There might be hope for the Nation yet. I am not holding my breath. I would be more surprised if large numbers of rank and filers started boycotting the GOP on account of the death match liars version of campaigning that is actually getting worse, than I would if I were to see the following headline (or something close to it):
"Obama puts on pants, one leg at a time, before leaving his house. McCain campaign staffers call that "Shocking," and "Insensitive," and "Outrageous," and "Sexist," and demand an apology."
I personally do not think that the outrage over the 'pig in lipstick' remark is all that more credible than the outrage over my pants example, would merit.
Ya, there is a little bit of daylight between the two, but only a paper thin crack, if you ask me.
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