She's Cuo-coo For Christ. I do mean Yumpy. Batshit Crazy. Seriously!
We can start with this article, that explains the basics:
(Watch the vid. Yes it is about 10 minutes, but these people are crazy. You must see it for yourself).
Now before anyone jumps on me for picking on people because of their religion, I will say the following. Yes, I believe that every American has the right to believe in what ever crazy shit they like, and as well I have the right to call it crazy shit. I particularly claim and advance my right to do that when their worship appears to feature mass hallucinations, and the people call themselves warriors for God or what ever nutty variant of that idea. I claim the right when I hear people talk about receiving prophesy and/or doing God's work, knowing God's plan. I claim that right when people not only think that, but claim to be an agent of God here on earth and as well claim to know what God has chosen them to do, to help God's plan. (Time out. The most crazy part so far is the part about beliveing that an Omniscient and Omnipotent Being needs help from puny humans. That makes no sense. But it is part of that crazy exceptionalism that I will talk about later.) Lastly, I claim the right to call anyone who belives in magic, crazy.
Those people clearly believe in magic. That shit with the cell phones? Crazy shit. Loopy mad shit, that.
And, a certain level I know I am stepping on the toes of just about every evangelical tradition to some extent, but this goes to the heart of why I think these right wing evangelical extremists are crazy people and why I do not want them near the levers of power. Well there is that whole believing they know God's will part. That makes them crazy per se. But there is another level to it. Both ordinary American Right wing extremists and the evangellys tend to believe not only in their 'belief systems,' but they tend to hold on to a theory and belief in their group "Exceptional ism." They believe that because of what they believe in, that they are some how exceptional people in the world, and every one else is wrong, or less, unless they are converted to the 'right' belief system.
That is crazy shit. It is also a form of bigotry that can serve as the basis for any extreme of abuse and degradation, as human history has shown. But in the specific religious extremist context, it is a scary thing. People that pumped up on their own 'knowing' right from wrong, their own understanding of God's plan can not be reasoned with.
They are by their very natures, extremely if not uniquely unqualified for government. Now I know those kind of people think otherwise, but our government was founded by men who regardless of their religious leanings, believed equally if not more, in the process of reason. They founded our government based on process of reason, and rationality and rule of law.
I am not the least sorry to say, therefore, that the last thing I want is to have some crazed warrior for Jesus, besotted with the delusion she knows God's Plan, and want to, either deep in her heart, or even worse, right there in her mind's eye, to help prepare the world for the Global Dominion of Christ, a heartbeat from the presidency.
That shit will not fly, with me.
I am not trying to clobber her for her being a girl. I am trying to clobber her as she is a candidate for office from the other team.
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