Sunday, September 07, 2008

More about Republicans Being Incapable of Getting the Obvious. Or, More Stupid Things I Have Learned On Message Boards.

Well, I actually have a couple ideas in my head right now, but they are more facets of the same idea. Here is my first tack. On this message board I rubberneck at? The Republicans are at it again. They, for years, like some infantile lemmings, have been calling people who criticize either Plastic Turkey Man, or his Administration, as having "BDS;" Bush derangement syndrome.

Now with the Ascension of PBIL/Palin, they have come up with yet another infantile way to describe her critics; PMS (Palin Madness Syndrome.) Apparently the older meaning of the acronym, having to do with a uniquely female medical condition, is supposed to be some sort of clever innuendo means of bringing up the 'sexist' trebouchet, that the GOP has cynically and conveniently discovered, over the past week.

Let me point out that in cases where the real PMS is being experienced, it is the female suffering from it. That fact makes the whole thing twice as witless, to my mind.

But now let us get to the real point. This is the point about how SOME Republicans are just too stupid to get the obvious. Now if I were of a mind to engage those peeps on that thread I would had channelled this particular judge I used to appear before, years ago. On the day I am recalling, he chose to dress down a defense attorney who kept going off in the wrong direction during a cross, by beginning his dress down as follows:

"Do you know why we are here? You don't seem to know why we are here. I am going to tell you now, why we are here."

My version for these "Out of Touch," Republicans:

Do you know what game we are playing here? You don't seem to know what game we are playing here. Let me tell you what game we are playing here. The name of the game is Partisan Politics. There are at least two teams in competition. Both teams are trying to clobber each other. Both sides particularly try to clobber the other side's candidates. GET IT YET?

I will confess the following. I, as a yellow dog Dem, am not at all likely to get the Republican style of political humor. I don't think they are funny when they are trying to be funny.

I do think Republicans are at their most funny when they preach and moralize, no matter how dysfunctional their lives and families are. They are most funny when they tell out and out lies, like the one about how PBIL has foreign policy experience because Alaska is close to Russia. I nearly threw a clot on that one. But when Republicans try to make a funny based on their Republican world view? It just comes across as infantile, vulgar, and unfunny.

Speaking of vulgar people, PBIL? No, I am not saying she herself is vulgar, not in the scatological and juvenile way your average cheap-beer-swillin,' Larry the Cable Guy movie-lovin' bubbas are vulgar. But she is apparently very appealing to that demographic. To me she is something of a well-scrubbed rube. Rubes are defined as unsophisticated persons. Need I say more? But hey, I am one of those Big City North East Elitists that she went out of the way to deliberately insult. (And to explain my claim of being Big City Folk, the area in New Jersey I live in is sometimes called the sixth borough of New York City.)

Now I don't take her rube insults personally, but I think that her blue collar snobbery, and the small-minded, small town bigotry that she deliberately proclaimed before the TV cameras in front of a nation-wide audience, gives me and the rest of us Big City Elitists full license to at least call her a rube, and make fun of her dorky look, and small town smallness, and small-mindedness.

Oh, and I have been thinking since day one, that there was something wrong about her voice. Ya, it is flat, but it reminded me of someone, and I mean someone with a grating persona. I finally figured out who it was. It is not even a real person, but the voice of the grade school principal in the South Park strip.


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