Thursday, September 11, 2008

She is SO NOT ready for Prime Time, Leave Alone Being a Heartbeat away from being POTUS.

The Gibson interview. He asked her about what McCain himself said about her slim Foreign Policy (knowledge). What does she do? She vamps about "reform," and then talks energy policy.

Total PUNT.

She is not ready; no fucking way.

She flamed out on the Bush Doctrine question, she did not know what it was.

Not ready!

{delete delete delete}

Edit to add:

How can Sarah,Plain and Dull be a reformer, an agent of change, if she doesn't even know the freaking policies that she is supposed to be reforming and changing?

Jump that shark.

Yee heaw!

Edit even further.

I would have been MUCH MEANER and yet still fair on the pit bull. I would have asked her questions ONLY based on the GOP 2008 Platform. Then after asking all the questions I would point out the source of the questions and show how wrong she was on the official programs and policies of the political party she is supposed to be Second in charge of.

Is there anyone who thinks I am wrong in thinking she could be stumped by her own party's own positions on the issues of the year?

Explanation for deletion:

I might have been over the top in calling her a liar for her explanation of the church speech where she talked about praying for the troops and Tasks From God, what not. After listening to the quote several times in a row it seems that her convoluted message there was less an assertion that the Politicians' Plan was God's Plan, but instead was a call for prayer that God had a plan and they (the listeners) should be praying that the Politicians' plan, in sending our people to Iraq was actually (part of) God's plan. (That is way confusing to me, and I get string theory. It still is sort of mangled as far as the syntax, and the meaning being clearly communicated is concerned, even after several replays.)

Lincoln, ever the master of brevity and clarity, said what he said, thusly:

"Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right."

So here is my lesser admonishing retort to Sara Plain and Dull, and anyone else with the bad judgment to try to rewrite Lincoln. Don't. Quote him by name, and quote the words exactly as written by Old Abe. You are not smart enough to improve on Lincoln's output, dontchaknow?


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