Honestly, this is one of those accidental finds. I was researching "hannity racist" and a few mouse clicks later I found this blog, where the owner/blogger linked something he had written for yet another blog.
So much for the provenance. Now for the real set up. The inspiration for these pearls of wisdom was that Hell Spawn of Hate and Hysteria, the unapologetic self described (*choke*) christian racist, 'only was joking 'when she published that she wished certain Supreme Court Judges be MURDERED, disaster in a short skit with a bony ass and a pestilent heart . . . Ann Coulter (*I make the proper warding gesture* spin to the left three times and chant: Merciful God in Heaven, save us all!)
Now that my hyperbolic fit has ended, and before I post the quote, let me say that the following is not only an apt description of many of the other hate mongering pundits out there . . . but I have to say DA WANNA-BEs too. I think that the greatest argument in favor of the obliteration of Planet E. as as Public Health precaution for the rest of the Universe, is the sad and repulsive fact that such hatemongers are not only well paid in many cases, but admired and copied. I think I covered that sorta recently. Anyway . . . . the quote:
Stop it. Ignore her.Ann Coulter is a gadfly, a mosquito bloodied with teen rage, “like a bad-tempered prom queen at a homecoming dance.” When a child throws a fit, you don’t coddle them, feed them tarts and cookies, and send them off to play. That reinforces the behavior. If a tween burps and farts at the table, you don’t laugh or snort (even though it may be hilarious). That reinforces the behavior. If your teen son or daughter starts a shouting match, you don’t take the bait. You don’t escalate the situation. Not only does it reinforce the behavior, but it will always end with a lack of the wondrous satisfaction that is the goal of digging in and screaming at the top of your lungs.She may appear as Shiva shouting Oppenheimer’s sexier “I am become death, shatterer of worlds,” but it’s Wet n Wild lipstick, turquoise eyeliner, and papier-mâché prosthetics. She is an attention whore, a psychic vampire feeding her giggleson left-wing rage. It will be difficult, but we must simply turn our backs, stem the bleeding, and starve the pathetic creature. It’s for her own good. Posted by Ricky Shambles EMail This Post http://www.allthingsdemocrat.com/2007/03/05/bleeding-the-coulter-beast/
Now some folk might wonder why I bother to be preoccupied so much with the likes of Coulter and the rest of the Toxic Pundit Club.
My answer? Did you manage to miss the TOXIC part? Did you miss how this sort of cancerous malignancy is sucking the health, vitality, wholesomeness, and life itself out of the public sphere?
Sorry, I may crack the occasional Kali joke, but I am not really down with DEATH CULTS.
My favorite Goddess these days is Athena:

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Helmeted Athena, of the Velletri type. Roman copy (1st century) of a Greek original by Kresilas, c. 430 BC In Greek mythology, Athena (Greek: Άθηνά, Athēnâ, or Ἀθήνη, Athénē; Doric: Άσάνα, Asána; Latin: Minerva) was the goddess of civilization, specifically wisdom, weaving, crafts and the more disciplined side of war (violence and bloodlust were Ares' domain). Athena's wisdom encompasses the technical knowledge employed in weaving, metal-working, but also includes the cunning intelligence (metis) of such figures as Odysseus. The owl and the olive tree are sacred to her. Her name is derived from Greek Ἀθεονόα, Atheonóa (= from god's (theos) mind (nous)). Her nicknames were Άτρυτώνη, Atrytone (= the unwearying), Παρθένος, Parthénos (= virgin), and Ή Πρόμαχος, Promachos (the pre-fighter/-tress, i. e. the person who fights in front).
She is attended by an owl, and is often accompanied by the goddess of victory, Nike.
Yea Athena.
Boo wicked witches who preach hate and death and ugliness.