Monday, May 08, 2023

Old White Lady Makes Excuse for White Supremacy, or at least

 Misunderstood a crystal clear, easy to understand point, in an article about why some non totally  white people support white supremacy.

Apologies as the article is sort of behind a paywall.  But you might get to see it for free.

Why Non whites

Here is what the writer said:

"If you are biased in favor of “the West,” whom are you biased against? When former Iowa congressman Steve King (R) said he was defending Western civilization, his explanation was usefully contextualized as being a shorthand for whiteness."

"[w]e do know that it is not at all impossible for someone with a Hispanic name to embrace white-supremacist rhetoric."

And here is how the old white lady  Ann Althouse deliberately or mistakenly fucked up the meaning:

"Bump's second point is that "white supremacy" may be less about race than about "Western civilization." It may not seek race-based superiority but to preserve the "structures of power that largely benefit Whites."

If you don't understand why non-white people might advocate white supremacy, Bump says, it's because you are too "rigid" in your understanding of "white" and "supremacy."

Even if she employs a totally dishonest form of cutting up quotations to make her dishonest, actually, point, that is usually employed by the most scumbaggy of lawyers and judges to deliberately misstate the law?   I honestly think it is a tad more likely she doesn't fucking get it.  As I have said it before.  She seems to have such a little and such a terrible understanding of race issues, she would do herself a great favor never to talk about such things, ever the fuck again.

But it comes down to two alternatives.  Either she doesn't get what the writer is saying;  that being pro white supremacy is actually being being pro white supremacy, and fucking not what some of the fucking lying assed white supremacists claim, that they are only  and just supporting some mythical fictional thing called  "western civilization."   And I again quote him:  

a shorthand for whiteness."

Or she is herself part of that team and flavor of white supremacists who are in disguise about that fact, and badly.  Which to be clear, is I am hoping and giving her the benefit of the doubt, that she may not actually be a white supremacist.

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