Sunday, October 17, 2021

"He's a Know it All Who Knows Nothing."

Line about a Brit comedian's on stage, altar ego.  I am learning about his act on a "60 Minutes" piece about the vanishing institution of the pub.  Real pubs, not bars.  A proper public house.

But the description of the pub blowhard not only well describes the American Know it All who polishes many a bar stool.  But it applies to lots of bloggers and podcasters.

Goddess save us from them!

Now  I need to add weasel words  There are blogs and podcasts by people who know what they are talking about. I am not talking about those people.  I am talking about  the Joe Rogan's of the world, who might have a narrow slice of shit pie they know about.  But they still go on and on about shit they don't know shit about.

And for the record, I am offended that anyone thinks  Rogan has anything worth listening to about medicine and public health.  But I know people.  People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals.  And more so, Republicans.

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