Friday, November 14, 2008

Hillary as Sec. State?

I don't know how she feels about it, but if she is willing and PE Obama is willing, I guess I am ok with it.

I mean, we have Bobby Kennedy Jr. ready to take his martyred daddy's seat (finally.)

And Speaking of Kennedys, I want to see Caroline in the Senate. Far as I know, like her cousin Bobby Jr. , she is a genuine New Yorker, but can she claim residence at Hyannisport and be ready for succeeding Teddy's Senate Seat?

Pundit talk says she might be up for either a lower Cabinet slot, or my say -- one of the important Nominated Boards. Maybe FCC? NEH? Who knows? I was looking at the list myself the other day at, and even for a wonk like me, it is hard to keep track of that stuff.

But I still like the idea of her in a Senate Seat from the N'East. She could be there for the next 30 years, if not more, just like her cousin Bobby.

And then there is tho only Kennedy I actually did any campaign work for; Kathleen.

Ya, we can set her up somewhere. She is more than competent -- as compared to to many Bush Appointees. FEMA then? I am sure she can do a better job than 'Brownie.'


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