I am More Non-Partisan Than You Are. Nenner, Nenner.
YES! I do say nice things about Republicans . . . when they say smart things . . . that I agree with . . . particularly when I find one of them pointing out the stupidity or dishonesty of some other Republicans.
Case in point: consider the bravery of both Reps Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), and John Shaddegg (R- Az.) Both have gone on record of criticizing Minority Leader Boehner's cry baby (douche) performance, wrongfully blaming the (according to many on both sides of the aisle, good and proper) defeat of the new and improved Paulson Plan, on Speaker Pelosi's allegedly partisan speech.
Saith Bachmann:
"I want to assure you that was not the case. We are not babies who suck our thumbs. We have very principled reasons for voting no."
Saith Shaddegg:
"It was embarrassing for leadership on both parties to lose the bill so they made a stupid claim."
Link is to Huffpo, but story is sourced to real news origins. And the vid of Shaddegg is right there too.
Honest Republicans
And how about a mid-day Palin sandwich?
First note: Blogger for the NYT writes about reasons for relating to and sympathizing with Palin, and discussing,"Impostor Syndrome." She ends her piece by opining that Palin's nomination is an act of cruelty on her.
Poor Sarah
Gossip as reported on Huffpo that (apologies to mi amor, Shakira) Palin's Lips do Lie. The claim is that her lower lip-line is a tattoo. Hey! They got Pictures and Everything!
These Lips Do Lie
And lastly, my personal fashion report. WTF? Now I was only marginally in the loop last week, so it took until Sunday and yesterday, for me to watch most all of the Couric interviews. That thing she was wearing? It sorta looked like a fabric version of a wet suit. And I saw the joint McCain/Palin interview with Couric last night. Based on the most recent shots of her most recent nervy and clearly anti-fashion choices (I thought they got her a stylist?) I am amending my prior statement about her looking like some extra in that tv show "Mad Men," which is set in 1960.
Not only does she look like she is wearing early 60's knock offs, and usually frumpy, she has now gone for the upgrade.
She not only looks like she is wearing rejects from the Wardrobers' discard pile, from "Mad Men," but she looks like she found a trunk of costumes originally created for female villains for some James Bond movie, filmed back in the days when Sean Connery was still young and skinny.
I am not saying that to be mean or partisan. I mean really? Look at the shit:

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