Monday, September 29, 2008

This is Why the Odds of That Horrid Palin Woman Putting In a Train Wreck of a Debate are HUGE!

I have been listening to analysis and in some cases, partisan hack apologists' excuse making, on how Palin will do, in the debate.

Now before I give my "I have a Theatre Degree, Law Degree, and know something about this shit," mostly objective take, let me take care of a little business, with the pundits. Let me metaphorically spank one of the specific apologists, and try as I might, to kill the bullshit she and others have been, and will continue to spew until the debate (and perhaps after.)

"Let Sarah be Sarah."

WTF? That is what the apologist, Michelle Bernard, said on Hardball tonight (and that is not the first time I heard that stupid shit.) Michelle seems to either not know the real deal here, or does know, but is just acting like a loyal cheerleader (and as she is a lawyer, she does know, but must be deliberately acting like a partisan cheerleader.)

So now I can get to the real deal. No Michelle, the problem is not that she is being mishandled by the preppers. The problem is not that her natural style has been cramped.

Here is the problem. If you take a person who lacks sufficient foundation in complicated subject matters, and try to cram too much data into their head over a short period of time, the best you can expect to produce is a trained parrot. You are not going to have a properly educated, knowledgeable, competent and confident person. You are not going to have a person who has learned and mastered sub-parts of subjects, and who, through the normal learning process, not only has the talking points available to spit out, but further, is able to think and reason within and about the material.

Sarah Palin's problem is not that her style is being cramped, but that she totally lacks the foundation and the education in the subjects. That is why she sounds like a parrot on crack. She does not understand the subject matter. It is that simple. It is not that she is too stupid to learn, but she is trying to learn about 60 credit hours of material in less than a couple weeks.

That is not going to work.

Oh. And the following is more for Michelle than my usual readers. Yo. Michelle. Remember moot court? I did not do all that well -- I did not crash and burn, but I was a more than a little nervous, and really was sorta slow in my answers, and ducked the questions, and ran back to the safety of the prepared speech I had. I did not feel I had such a complete mastery of the material, and it showed.

Now that is not the point (although I see a parallel to That Horrid Palin woman, but shit, I was much better prepared for Moot Court than she was for the Couric interview.)

Here is the real point.

One of my buddies just blew the rest of the class out of the water. He showed up with out any notes at all. He had prepared so well that he did not need any stinking notes. In fact, he did not even have a prepared spiel, but instead just asked the panel if they had any questions on the issues and arguments, as presented in his Memorandum.

Now what is the chance that That Horrid Palin woman will be that prepared? How about half that? Maybe half that again, but even that is a stretch.


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