Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Watching Olbermann is one of my Guilty Pleasures

as he clearly is partisan on my side, and I am not a big fan of blurring the distinction between journalist and and pundit.

But Olbermann's delivery and perspicacity is so dead-on sometimes.

His remark re the new "story" about Gov. Palin's firing of the guy who would not fire her (ex?) brother in law?

Olbermann said it like this sorta.

Now she says that he was fired for insubordination . . .

for asking for money from Washington D.C. . . .

to fight RAPE . . .

that she did not want.

Ya, that shit is way fwked up.

That is as stupid as saying, "No Officer Friendly. I was not shoplifting at the 7-11 last night. I was mugging some bitch in the park, at that time. Put the bitch in the hospital, and she is in a coma, so I hear. So no, I did not do that shoplifting shit, no sir."

But of course, she is a lying liar.

Now if you got to lie at least be an accomplished one, not as bad and weak a liar as the garden variety dumbassed junkie thief.

Changing Topic To Something More Wholesome . . . I went to see "Wicked." today.

I love me my witches. I particularly love Elphaba, not that green skin is my usual thing, but as is said in the show, I have learned how to look at things, differently. Never mind that even if Glinda is the popular one, Elphaba is the one with both the more clever mind, and the much bigger heart. Glinda has heart too, but Elphaba is the more lovable character.


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