If a Pastor Walked into a Store, Grabbed a Turkey from the Meat Department, and Walked Out of the Store Without Paying . . . .
So what do you call it when a Pastor endorses political candidates from the pulpit, and thinks their church should still enjoy the benefit of tax exempt status? Well I don't know about you but if that church files the paperwork declaring they are still deserving tax exempt status, after that, then they are stealing, too!
I am making reference to the stunt pulled by some pastors this past weekend where they deliberately endorsed McCain and then ratted themselves to to the IRS to make a point. What point is that? To my mind they are letting the IRS know in advance that they are planning on stealing, when filing the paperwork, next deadline.
Here are the facts, kids. I know them because I have some experience with Section 501 of the Tax Code.
First Fact: No one is entitled by default to have tax exempt status.
Second Fact: In order to enjoy tax exempt status you have to file paperwork saying you meet the requirement for tax exemption under the appropriate section of the Tax Code.
Third Fact: If you lie, and file the papers, you are a thief and a fraud.
I just checked Section 501(B)(3) of the tax code. Religious institutions (among others) who, and I quote,"[d]oes not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office, " qualify for the exemption. To be extra redundant here, it does not say just because you are a religious institution you are qualified for the exemption. It says you must also keep away from the politics, to qualify for the exemption.
That is crystal clear, ain't it? Then why do so many people seem to be too stupid to get that?
Part of the disconnect is that some people labor under the totally false assumption that churches are automatically tax exempt. That is (as explained above) not true. All the bluster and bullshit being published on this issue is exactly that. But I bet many people do in fact get the plain language and the plain meaning. They just want to have their turkey and not have to pay for it.
It is that simple.
Now I am going to end this with a practical example from a well-known movie,"Stand and Deliver." That was the movie about the former engineer who becomes a math teacher in a very poor, Latino neighborhood in L.A. But none of that has anything to do with my example. What does, however, is the following quote from the movie:
"You got a ticket? You don't have a ticket? Ehey, if you don't got a ticket, you don't get to see the show."
That might not be verbatim, but the idea is clear. These pastors don't want to pay for the ticket, but still want to see the show; crooks, and thieves! Screw them.
Oh and not really in a related way (well maybe it is related?) here is a verbatim quote from that same movie. But instead of tying this only to those thieving crooked, larcenous Republican Pastors, I will dedicate this quote to the Whole Republican Party as an institution:
"You're like a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn't there!"
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