Monday, August 29, 2005

Let The Audience Decide?

I was taking a gawk on and noticed a piece of the Able Danger (seemingly) red herring story. It seems that the documentary evidence that could support the allegations currently being pimped by Fox (NOT) News more aggressively than natural blondes in a Tokoyo whorehouse, are hiding in the same "undisclosed location" where Kennedy's Missing Brain is.

Anyway, the report mentioned a recent O'Reilly Factor program where 9-11 Commission member Slade Gorton laid out the facts to belie the "It is Gorelick's Wall," manta.

O'Reilly allegedly responded thusly:

"All right. We'll let the audience decide, Senator."

What the HELL?

Since when are facts, like legislative and regulatory reforms that are verified, dating back to the 1970's, up for a consensus vote?

Welcome to Fox (NOT) News' version of Alternative Reality.

We should not be suprised, kids.


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