Thursday, August 18, 2005

Able/Danger: Major Story or Just Bullshit?

Alleged EXPLOSIVE allegations that intel about one (at least) of the 9/11 mass murderers were suppressed by the DOD, and in some way that was caused by Jamie Gorelick?

  • Newshounds story

  • Hey . . . I was living in the NYC area on 9/11 and the way I tell (usually have to tell GOP-jingoistic hard liners, when they get on my last nerve with their slogans and skewed version of events) it is,

    "I saw those building on fire with my own eyes. I stood on the edge of ground zero 4 days after the event, as close as I could get, just to witness it and fully convince myself that that disaster was not merely part of a bad dream. I was breathing in the pulverized bits of those buildings and everything and everyone in them, so that event is literally part of me for LIFE!" (so STFU!!)

    So if there was an actual supression of this at DOD I will be screaming for blood too. However , this whole thing smacks of opportunistic POLITICS.

    Between the Cindy Shaheen protest, and support of the war in Iraq hitting an all time LOW, all of a sudden we have allegedly explosive allegations that the previous admin. screwed the Pooch in 2000?

    Not that that can't be true, but as that SNL character created by Dana Carvey says:

    "Mmmm now that's CONVIENENT!"

    Just one (other) thing bothers me about this SPECIFICALLY.

    If the Col. (who is now singing his song as high and loud as Cassandra) knew that Mohammed Atta and an Al Quada Cell was in the USA, and was told to back off and told he could not inform the FBI , why didn't he just make an Anoyonomous tip to the INS if he did not want to make that to the FBI? Does that bother anyone else?

    Hell, I have put my career in jeopardy for lesser reasons than I thought that MASS MURDERERS had slipped into the country and are likely up to no good.

    We will have to just see how this one plays out, I recon.


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