Friday, August 19, 2005

If THEY Were Honest About The Iraq War, In the Begining . . .

Their "pitch" should have been something like this:

Now, People of America. Some of us in the government think it will be a nifty idea if we can make Iraq a democracy. It is going to cost at least 100 Billion dollars, will take at least 3 if not more years, we will loose several thousand American Lives,

and the chances of succeding are AT BEST 50/50.

Ok America. Are you down with that or do you think we are out of our freaking minds for even suggesting that?

NO? Aww geee wiz, we can throw in a few really fun and neat slogans like "Stay the Course," and "Bring em On."

Oh? You have thought about those slogans and realize that what they both really mean is DEAD AMERICANS for no Fawking Good Reason?"

Oh well we promise to make Rummy run around using weird words and phrases and like describing things as being "ROBUST" and saying "Good Gosh, Gee Willikers." Not good enough either?

How about seeing W in a flight suit. That is worth 100 Billion dollars and two or more thousand dead Americans, right?


Damnit. ROVE was right.

The only way we can can get America to support the PNAC agenda is to lie like a fawking whore during fleet week.


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