Of religion.
I am fascinated by religion, not because I am a religious person (that whole feeling The Holy Spirit thing is definitely not me) but because it is part of our history as critters on this planet, and as well, our present. Nevermind my interests in Sociology and Politics/means of social control.
I am a ROTTEN Catholic. I say that plainly, and I have little guilt over it. Even by the Catholic Church's often seeming (to some critters) loosey-goosey view of the Bible as allegory, I am rotten. I was telling some folk on a Forum last night that I wish "they" had tossed the entire Old Testament over board. Not to say it is valueless, but it is (as I likely said) too weird.
Now being one with many credits of college lit on my transcript, I understand metaphor and allegory. I get that part of it. What I don't get is believing in the stories, literally. Granted I don't, so I likely will never understand the want or drive or possibly need to take the OT literally. I just can't think of the basis for clinging so dear to that belief.
Then again, I might as well be more forthcoming, and I say I don't really understand the call to believe in anything that deeply.
I will try not to go too long here (as I will likely get even more convoluted, again, according to some folk) but if I had to boil down to its merest essence, my views on God, it would be likely as follows:
BE NICE to each other. There ain't a one of you humans who does not have room for improvement. Some have a way lot bigger wider deeper room for improvement.
Yes, I ditched the whole nature of God part. That stuff just confuses matters. The core message to me is the "Be Nice/Nicer" thing.
Happy Easter/Passover, what ever is your thing, everybody.