Thursday, April 27, 2006


Ok. I am still hesitant to post anything about where I work. I made a post or two but pulled them down when I realized that this blog is finally able to be found by a random Googling (yea bots!)

But that realization made me think that this blog could be found accidentally by people on my job site.

Hmmm, not good that. Well it is good to be on the grid, but not good to post job stuff.

Sooo pass on that, except to say that being a temp (leastwise according to me) means assuming every day is your last there, and sorry to the member of my cluster who got "sent down" last night. I could be next. That is the way these things go.

Beyond that all I am gonna say for now is what my sister says:

Choose Peace.

I am trying to take that to heart. Life is short and I don't need any shit these days.


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