Thursday, March 30, 2023

Old White Lady Needs To STFU About Anything Involving Black or Brown Folk. Nearly Totally Ignorant on the Subject!

 I try to quit commenting about the old white lady,  Ann Althouse.  But her blog is a good place to monitor where the right of center brain is.  And her commentors.   When I can stand looking at their white supremacist trailer trash vomit?  Informs me of that bullshit.

Anyway. Althouse has all the knowledge and insight into issues concerning Black or brown folk, that a dull witted third grader does about the proper way to calibrate the control rods  for a nuclear breeder reactor.  Close to none at best.  And yet she persists.  Not exactly in the same dull witted way that someone who puts on blackface might not, sort of inexplicably doesn't understand, get why they are being totally inappropriate.  More like, I would have to say, someone with a twisted case of FOMO.   

I think a lot of white folk who know next to nothing for real about Black and brown folk feel compelled to talk about Black and brown folk.  I think part of her old white lady brain gets that she really has no basis on which to comment in that area, no matter what article she reads, and no matter who wrote the article.  She won't accept the rational and logical guidance to leave it all alone.  There is a phrase for that state of mind:   white entitlement.

Anyway, the trigger.

Yo!  Ignorant old white lady!  VP Harris' West African ancestors came from West Africa.  As did my West African ancstors.  And when I meet peeps from West Africa they say I look like a relative or someone they know, back in West Africa.

Firstly, you should have left it alone.  Secondly, you are reading too much into it, as you have no foundation in the topic.  And thirdly.  Yeah. Lots of West Africans see people who look like them when they look at New World Blacks.  but that doesn't mean they trust us as a default.

Ok.  My case is a litle different, as I have actual cousins in West Africa.  I have sort of near and progressively more distant family there. I get a little different treatment.  But still, no one is going to completely trust me  as a default.  Even the descendants of my grandparents' siblings and cousins.

I am their American cousin at best.  At first.  Past that, trust must be earned.  As is usually the case among humans.  As Africans are humans,  and tend to behave like humans.


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Monday, March 27, 2023

Answering White People's Questions About Slavery: The London History Show

That white supremacist piece of shit trash, Ron DeSantis, and the other white supremacist pieces of shit trash, do not want the children of America to see this.  Because it might upset them, more likely the parents who already are themselves, white supremacist pieces of shit trash.

Anyway, this is a well done history lesson.  And spoiler alert.  I really never thought much about how the rape of the young and strong bodies from West Africa for centuries, weakened kingdoms and societies, making it that much easier for Europeans to colonize Africa later in the 19th and early 20th Centuries.

The wealth of Europe was stolen from Black and brown, and other not white folk.

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Sunday, March 26, 2023

Very vile, according to my list.

Firstly.  The most blatantly vile thing she does all the fucking time.  She post on her blog, shit that is behind a pay wall.  That is extremely disrepectful to her "audience."  Who can't see that shit.  On account of being behind a pay wall. 

But that is not the worst part.  As bad as being disrespectful of one's "audience" is.  The worst part is that if the subject matter is about race, or gender or any of the other things her fan bois ooze their ugly, vile opinions about at the drop of a dime?  You have to guess that those white supramacist, trailer trash, goat fuckers will be happy to comment on the article, with out reading the article.  Because how fucking many white supramacist, trailer trash, goat fucking Republicans have a subscription to the NYT?

Fucking seriously, lady!  I accuse you of fostering white supramacist, trailer trash, goat fucking hate speech because you do shit like that!

Anyway.  The "essay,"  which I wish wasn't behind a paywall, so I could read it. and then fairly and with proper cause, trash it?  It was some self sytled conservative's view on what woke means and why it is important.  

Here is a good place for me, instead, to publish my latest plot.  If I get near a Democratic congresscritter any time soon, or at least the next time?  I will let them know I think Democrats should start calling Republicans the real woke communists.  Not only that, but I would love Schumer and Jefferies to either together, or on the same day say words to the effect.

Yes.  We are  calling out the Republicans on their vapid and immature name calling.  So we in the Democratic Party  will now use the insults they use against us  against them.  Will that take the fun out of it for them?  That remains to be seen.  Meantime, we hope to make the point the insutlts are meaningless, by proving they are meaningless.

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Friday, March 24, 2023

I will keep her name out of it, but maybe I should say it . . .

 Ya know?  Having a blog where people are basically promoting open violent sedition in your comments section?  Well if promoting shit like that is that is you doing you, boo?  Then you do you boo.  Your FBI, DHS, and Secret Service files will be updated, accordingly.

And keeping the racist shit up there?  Yeah.  If you want to be associated with white supremacist trailer trash who say shit like how DA Bragg must be an affirmative action" law school admittee?  You do you boo.  Associate with who the fuck ever trailer trash  you are comfortable with, boo.

I am sure Bragg has excellent credentials.  

He graduated from Harvard cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in government in 1995,

So yeah,  The white supramacist poster didn't even bother to google that!

Anyway  I will go short. Hopefully.  Every motherfucker who acts as if they know the full extent  and substance of all the secret evidence given to the secret grand jury are not only motherfuckers?  They make themselves look like motherfucking morons.  And particularly the Republicans claiming Bragg and other investigators need to be arrested for indictments that do not exist yet, and for which they have no idea yet what evidence those not yet existing indictmens are based upon.

I will end on a gossippy note:

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg may have been asked to delay bringing charges against former President Trump, Watergate figure John Dean speculated in a CNN interview on Friday.

Dean emphasized that he did not know the facts, but commented on the possibility that another lawyer on a separate Trump case might have asked Bragg to hold back.

Intelligent Speculation He was asked to wait.

I still won't say her name  but I will use the tag.  She is one of the violators, who is acting as if she knows what the grand jury has seen and heard.  But she didn't.

That is very slipshod and candy assed, if you ask me!

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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Way To Miss The Point! Twice In One Day!

Before I go to there?  I am currently too occupied with the will bozo be indicted and arrested story?

On my Bingo card?  Not only yes, but I am hoping for as I have been calling it, the mystery felony.  I win Bingo if he gets indicted for either witness tampering, another finance felony unrelated to Stormy, or as sugggested by some talking head yesterday?  Maybe a tax fraud charge.

Now to the things behind the headline. Althouse misses the forest for a single tree, twice, as she gets all ohh  shiny thing about two articles, today.

Fist she posted about the NY Times story how bozo has been saying  he looks forward to  getting perp walked, so he can put on some show.  Criticize them or any of the MSM for reporting that shit as news.  Yeah.  But in her mind,  the issue is bozo is playing with them?  And deserves her genius tag because in  her mind, she leads me to believe, it is genius to be a pathological liar who always lies?


And her other weird take is this article about how the word narcissist has fallen into common usage by lay people.  I read the article with a mind of someone who has done a lot of research on that shit,  And even if I could have recited from my own knowlege, the good and useful part of the article?  Althouse promotes the shit part.  And by shit I mean the reference to bozo, and Musk,  and selfie culture.  That is the part she copy pasted.  Not the part about how there is (according to current practice)  a spectrum of narcissism that ranges from heallthy to psychopathic.  Don't ignore the distinctions!

There really was nothing new for me in the article.  But what I will say  but not spend time worrying about?  Why was she so taken by the article, specifically the part about two well known (as far as media reports go) pathological narcissists?  Nothing new there regarding the two attention whores mentioned in the article, so?  Things that make you go hmmm.  I think.


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Monday, March 20, 2023

So House GOP wants to interfere with the Manhattan DAs investigation and grand jury proceeding, regarding bozo? I call that a  fascist power grab, and a naked attempt to obstruct justice.  I hope Bragg files for a preliminary injunction and at the same time, a TRO.

Take the fight to those treasonous, treacherous motherfuckers.

My idea for the first line of the brief.

"Nothing is as convincing evidence of an attempt to obstruct justice in a specific proceeding, as when someone uses what ever power they have, personally or institutionally, to interfere with and thereby obstruct the administration of justice in a specific proceeding."

Sunday, March 19, 2023


 Re the possibility of bozo being indicted in NYC.

I am hopeful this is the first of several indictments.  And he gets house arrest, in NYC.  Barring court appearances in other proceedings.  And prohibition on using the internet.  That will drive him insane!  More insane actually.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Unhinged From Facts and Reality.

 I plan to zoom out to the meta level.  But first.  

This if from a thread on the old white lady's blog.  The context is a story about how some white supremacist, sexist, bozo appointed Federal Circuit Judge was protested, at a lecture at Stanford law.

A MAGA judge showed up to give a lecture, at Stanford Law, and was surprised the majority of students there deeply despised him?  Sure there is judicial ego in play, but what was the white supremacist, sexist, MAGA judge thinking?  Was the fucker looking for a fight?  Anyway . . .

Even if the protest was defused by the DEI dean, even if it took 10 minutes.  (And to her credit, the old white lady sides with the dean.)  Turns out the dean slowly led the malcontents to the idea . . .

if you don't want to sit here and be minimally respectful?  Please leave the room.  

My summation of her words.

Afterwards,  this master of the universe, egotistical, white supremacist, sexist, MAGA wrote a cranky letter about wanting discipline imposed on the staff and students.  An expressed desire to retaliate against the protestors, and people who did not kiss their ass isnot a good look for a Federal judge.  I call that grounds for a disciplinary complaint, if not a disqualification from office.

Just to complicate things, the president of the upper level instutution, Stanford U.,   jumped into the controversey.  Apologizing on behalf of the law school.  But not the point.

The snippet above is from a poster on the old white lady's blog thread, reporting the Stanford U. president's getting involved.  

Unhinged from reality, this post, when you think about how so many of the GOP are waging full on cultural war against DEI, CRT, Black and browness, accurate colonial and post colonial history.  They are trying to shut down, by law, all the shit that is not their shit, seems.

But to this, and other rabid MAGA twits, they are innocent!  The world is out to get them!  And the reason they are at war with everyone else is because everyone else is at war with them first!  Daring to think and live differently than traditional white right minded GOPers!  It's an insult!  It's  disgusting!  It's personal!  It's war!

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Friday, March 10, 2023

Substack is Trash. My Opinion because

 like so much of the interwebnetubes, it promotes the idea every one's opinion is worth shit.  Hell.  Often is the case that even smart fuckers are publishing slipshod, cany assed bullshit.

For example, why would a fairly well known psychologist publish some "findings" on his substack, instead of a peer reviewed journal?  Cause no pesky oversight, perhaps?

To explain.  Old white lady posted about  Jonathan Haidt's recent substack, where he mashes up a few studies, and comes to his own, very much not looking like scientific, conclusion on the higher numbers of selfreporting depression among liberal girls than specifically  conservative girls?

Beyond the fact that he did no actual research himself,  this. . . not looking like scientific piece is just his thoughts on other people's work.  And only briefly mentioning,  the lack of indicia of good metholology on his sources, he pretty much is engaging in . . .  if not the total exact opposite of a duble blind study?  It's in that realm.  His "work is neither blind or scientific.   It's what we lawyers call ipse dixit logic.  The validity of the argument is only based on "cause I say so."  

In other words, weak assed shit.

Two more points re this published thing.  Conservatives lie.  When they say they are happy we should not trust them.  We are living as of this day, week, in the most public, Emperor has no clothes, moment.  Fox News has been caught in such a web of lies  I call it a Russian Nesting Doll of lies.

And lastly, perhaps more importantly.  The current conservative movement/GOP is based on grievance and victimhood.  Ya really think people who believe brown skinned people are invading the country to take away jobs and all they hold dear, from good white people are not depressed?  If you want to make an argument that being enraged all the fucking time leads to higher serotonin levels, go ahead.  Conservatives are a veritable cocktail of mental infirmity.  And they lie.

I'm notso much depressed, because the world, the nation is so badly run by dishonest people.  Maybe a little, but what I really feel is disgust.  But I never liked people all that much.  Since a kid,I have wished to break free of humanity and become a dolphin.  Yea.  But you can't avoid nasty humans as a dolphin.  Fishing boats.  Illegal nets.  Pollution.  We are stuck here as humans no matter what.

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Tuesday, March 07, 2023

The lie that invented racism | John Biewen. To Say I'm Sick of the Old White Lady Hosting

White supremacist trash and their white supremacist ideas would be an understatement.  There was yet another post from her on Adams' white supremacist bullshit.  And the white supremacist hive drones were at it again.

But let's shift gears.

Yo!  Old White Lady!  Watch this shit.  Learn some shit. Then hopefully you will be less tolerant of white supremacists and their white supremacist bullshit.

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Wednesday, March 01, 2023

The Old White Lady Clearly Does Not Get It, Serial Offfender Edition.

 She continues to post about Scott Adams' racist coming out.  And her posts attract white supremacist bullshit like real bullshit attracts flies.

I have likely made similar arguments about her before.  She posts about white supremacists, otherwise baits her white supracist troll fan bois, and they spew, unsprisingly, even more white supremacist trash.

That is not exactly agreeing.  But it is condoning it.  It's like not telling the racist aunt or uncle to either stop with the racist shit at a family event, or get out ya damn house!

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