I Am Biased, I Confess. I Think the Very Idea of Invisible People in the Sky is Dumb, but Still
This is the dumbest article I have read in a while:
In brief. I though this was going to be some sort of take down of liberalism by some idiotic, toxic conservative. I found the link to it on Real Clear Politics, after all. Turns out the writer really wasn't talking politics, but was writing a backhanded endorsement of monotheism and organized religion.
He did not differentiate between Old and New Testaments. I don't think he considered how very much not liberal most strains of Islam are. That sort of wrecks his point. But in any case. If your argument is liberalism bad, because people are worshiping and living life less under the dictates of some Invisible People in the Sky? So the answer to that is to worship and live life under the dictates of some Invisible Person in the Sky. Well, you just be recruiting. And badly.
Oddly enough, telling people who reject the at least outward and organized worshiping of Invisible People in the Sky, is not likely to convert any one to your side, with out doing something like advancing a case for monotheism and organized religion. Hmm?
Oh. And this fucking guy, pulled a McWhorter. He sets up liberalism as a religion. Which it is not really, unless you accept the most wide open definition of religion as any shit any one might believe in, with something approaching more than neglectful interest. And then at the end, his argument is really nothing more than, try the original flavor of religion.
I don't get it. I truly don't get it.
Labels: john mcwhorter, religion as oppression
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