Some Quickies. Firstly Kudos for Ann Althouse!
Kudos for her getting the story right, about Simone Biles. Not only were her remarks to a story she posted about Simone Biles mature, rational, and sensitive. So were, for the most part, the posts she posted from her commentariat. As an aside. Funny how some people who are fans of sports sometimes remember that being in the zone, and having your head in the game is important, and sometimes they forget. But I honestly think so many Americans are such despicable racists, they were giving shit to and trolling Simone because of that.
America, what a (racist white supremacist) country. Not all of it. But we have too fucking many white supremacists.
Moving on. I am about to google for stats re American white nationalists.
According to a report mentioned in a Vox article back in 2018:
"[r]oughly 5.64 percent of America’s 198 million non-Hispanic whites have beliefs consistent with the alt-right’s worldview. Whether or not they would describe themselves as alt-right, Hawley argues, they share the movement’s belief in a politics that promotes white interests above those of other racial groups.
If Hawley is right, then the alt-right’s constituency isn’t a tiny fringe. It’s about 11 million Americans."
11 Million
I m talking about this because like some mental ear worm, something John McWhorter said over the past couple two, three weeks has been gnawing at part of my pretty brain. Specifically it was a dozy of a brain fart style remark about how no one wants to eliminate discussions of slavery from US schools. Um. It stands to reason some of the 11 Million want to either kill, expatriate, enslave, or some version of all of the above, black and brown folk. It also stands to reason, if these fuckers do take over, they are going to seriously revise the textbooks to be more flattering to white supremacists, and less fair about black and brown folk. Professor. Stop saying stupid, baseless shit. Please?
I doubt he will ever see this. But if that is not a transformational argument, I will go for a borderline insulting one. Making idiotic arguments for which the only support is the speaker/publisher saying it is so might not be a uniquely Republican rhetorical fallacy. But those fucking morons do it more. They do it all the fucking time. Now do you really want to use their go to form of bullshit?
You know better than that, already!
Other mention, Yo! Merrick Garland! Start arresting these fuckers. You and DOJ are acting as if you playing cricket, like you got nothing but time to spend. But fuck no! You are playing speed golf. Hurry the fuck up!
Labels: 21st Century Denialist Racism, ann althouse, cult of white right wing victim hood, john mcwhorter, Racism 2.0
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