Friday, July 23, 2021

Cleveland Guardians, not the Cleveland victims of white supramacy.

 I wasn't prepared to go long on this story at first.  But I read the comments to her posting the story on Ann Althouse's blog.  And remember  She curates, approves, selects every bit of racist bullshit comment there.  Nothing gets up there with out her (or her husband) approving it.

Anyway.  As expected, the racists were in full ass sore from some imaginary delusional ass rape mode because?  well, because someone dared live their life and made decisions about it, that they, the delusional, conservative, immature, cry baby does not agree with.  Because  conservatives are so delusional they don't seem to understand.  No fucking body has to live their lives to please some motherfucking idiot, immature, emotionally stunted conservative barnyard animal's cock sucker.

What is the difference between a liberal and a conservative?  Beyond adulthood, and cognition and emotional control?  Regarding this topic specifically, the idea we hold is:

Ya know.  We should end using humans as team mascots.   Let's end that shit.  Overdue!

But in the words of one of the racist shits Althouse published:

"This name won't last. Today it is "respecting the indigenous people groups", but tomorrow it will be "we can't name anything after any people group." So Vikings will fall, and Vandals and Pirates, etc. Will Packers and Brewers be tumbling dominoes? Follow the logic and then we can't have names that evoke privilege or aggression."

As if that would be a bad thing?

Bur her husband added this perfectly conservative, baseless slam:  

"To me they will henceforth be the Cleveland Panty Liners."

Stay classy, Meade.

Trolling people not because they are being assholes, like trolling people who haven't trolled you first, or otherwise being a dick, and or promoting dickish assholery, socially toxic bullshit like publishing  other people's racist shit without at least saying  . . .  Hey!  Look at the racist shit this person said.  Fuck him!  Spurn him!  Despise him!

Na na na na na.  Meade is trolling someone for no better reason than difference of opinion.  

Bad form!

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