Friday, November 11, 2011

Noonan or Althouse? Who's Being Sillier?

Ok. I will actually throw up (pun intended) the link. But here is the question restated. Who is being the sillier person? Peggy Noonan, for first saying that Rick Perry's brain fart was "endearing?" Or Althouse for seeing the point?

I won't go so long, but this perverse observation and seconding of the emotion needs a little bit of deconstruction, at least for the record. We are talking about Rick Perry. Man's a gaff machine built in the George W. Bush vein. But even more goofy than W. To re-tool the old line I like to use, if just about any other of the GOP Nom Wannabes save Insane in the Membrane Cain had that kinda brain fart during a debate, it would have been a new low for them. For Perry it's just a new medium. Particularly if Romney had such a humanizing moment, now that would have been special. But for Ricky Rick? It's less of a must see TV moment than one that merits a Gallic shrug. And I mean un petite one.

Now between the two ladies, I would rather down a couple two three many good single malts with Ms. Noonan at The Alqonquin. I think she would make for better conversation. And I would find it a cheap thrill to experience her well known sighs, in person, up close, with the unmistakable whiff of Highlander Scotch on her breath. Or maybe she's more into Cosmos? Whatever.

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