Friday, October 14, 2011

Only Humans Are People.

That's the title of the song I am working on. Came to me today. Hope I can get it done fast, and further hope I can get that to be taken up as a slogan for the OWS movement. I was inspired by an article on Mediaite showing a clip from CNN where Russell Simmons was talking from Zuccotti Park, and trying to articulate the OWS main demand. In brief he said, get the money out of government, meaning get the corporations out of it. They have been controlling the government not the people. All that good core liberal shit.

So at first I was inspired to compose a first draft of a constitutional amendment to fix that shit. My take was to define the obvious (to those of us who are not wing nut right wing tools) -- that corporations and unincorporated associations are not people. That only humans are people.

So it's easy to see how I got to the slogan, Only Humans Are People. And the song started writing itself.

Way Kewl.

If and when I finish writing the damn thing, and uploading a take to my You Tube account, I guess I can take a trip down there and try it out in front of the peeps. If I have enough nerve.

Anyway, I could rant and rage about a lot of other shit. I will stop short of that, but to say Rick Perry is a piece of shit and unfit for the fucking job he has now, never mind higher office, if he can not bring himself to condemn that bigoted pastor pal of his for that disgusting display of anti Mormon bigotry.

Do you think that fucktard Perry has the depth of understanding that leads to the logical conclusion that if he can not condemn religious bigotry in general or in specific, that folk will at least think he is soft on that shit, if not a little to a lot in favor of it, despite his "personal" refusal to own the specific bigoted sentiment at issue? Or does he get that and just not give a fuck?

Personally, I vote for the latter.

Anyway, that's it . . . . for now.

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