Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thor's Day Quickies.

Mittens has been caught on camera saying corporations are people too. Typical. Granted the "heads up their asses," conservative rank and file might fall for that shit. But it's no big secret that lots of big corps are sitting on huge piles of cash, not hiring people, and not expanding, and not cutting dividend checks for the shareholders. So fuck you Mitt. The money is not going to people as you said it. It's being stockpiled.

And it seems Mittens is singing Duet with Grover Norquist. At least he's singing Grover's favorite tune, "No new taxes." 'Cause those corps sitting on cash not hiring anyone now are ONLY going to continue to do as they have been doing, sitting on all that money, if we tax the the profits they already are sitting on. Actually.

I don't think I have mentioned UK riots yet. That shit fucking sucks. It would suck even if I did not have people over there. But I do. And I won't go long on the "That's what austerity on top of decades of neglect," will get you, theme. But I will play the card as I just have. Chickens/roost. Whatever.

I'm running out of steam here. It's been a boring week for one so full of economic sturm und drung. I will finish off with the non-story of the week: Bachmann Crazy Picture Mania. Even Ed Schultz is taking her side. Hmm kay. Again, I stand by my post yesterday. Get real people.

Oddly enough (or not, as I will explain) it seems funny that the one person not whining about this is The Stepford Wife herself. But I bet she doesn't think there's anything wrong with the pic. She really doesn't look all that more crazy than the one on her official campaign site, so (shrugs shoulders) eh!

Oh. Tonight's the latest GOP Wannabe debate. I hope she gets asked about her newly (old, actually) discovered racist thinking about slavery, the pre Civil War South, and why she thinks negroes were better off as property than they are now, or were before they were dragged to America in chains. Enough with the fucking picture, I want someone to put her on the spot and make her wiggle, squirm, and hopefully lie in a spectacularly obvious way.

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