Saturday, August 06, 2011

Rachel Maddow Shows How It's Done.

Few journalists/anchors/commenters are so thorough in making a correction. She seems to enjoy it, as far as she is capable of having fun with it. (Oh and as an aside, Megyn Kelly, Satan's Own Shield Maiden is due back on her show next week. She could learn a lot from Rachel about having fun on the show, instead of being a snarling, crook lipped, uptight, angry ice princess. I'd say.)

And if you watch the clip you will see (hear) about Rush Limbaugh's new racist line of attack against P. Obama. "He wants to take away white people's farms . . . .like Mugabe."

Ya I let that slide when I first heard it, as I was stuck on some other witless wing nut rhetoric. But again, kids. I toldja. It was gonna get worse. They were gonna get worse. And I was correct!

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