Some Quickies, Starting With the Conservative Crybaby Moment Of the Day.
I can't resist the obvious joke:
Is that the political equivalent of the dreaded question, "Does these jeans make my ass look fat?"
Moving along, Megyn Kelly is back from maternity leave. Our long national nightmare (with her her "Single White Female" - movie style doppelganger) is over. But the real newsworthy bit of stupidity is wing nut radiohatehead Mike Gallagher. Seems like he dissed her and the idea of maternity leave a while back. Granted, I still revolt at her delivery, but she had him on the show today and read the fool the riot act. No, make that that Family and Medical Leave Act. Asshole Gallagher doubled down first, then blamed his stupidity (in the past) on drinking. What was his fucking excuse for not coming out of the gate apologizing for being such an idiotic ass today, I still want to know. Go Here for that stupid shit.
And I agree, she's rockin' that new bob-do. But looking good was never her problem. It's the personality and or persona that's very off-putting.
Just fuck Standard & Poors. I am thinking there some political partisan score settling going on with the downgrade. After all, they are spewing Tea Bagger drivel.
And speaking of teabaggers, let me hype the song I wrote over the weekend, delightfully titled, "Tea Party. Fuck You!" I was inspired by all the insane crybaby rhetoric over the rhetorical metaphors terrorist, hostage taker, all that shit, leveled at those fucking pirates and car jackers. I need to do another take before I try to load it to YouTube. I stumble through too many of the lyrics, and need better mic placement to get the vocals on top, properly.
Oh, and speaking of me, yea me. That hand me down lap top I have not been able to boot for the last dozen tries? Well I spanked it's bottom today and lo and behold, the beastie booted. Yea me.
That's all for now.
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